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5 Things You Need to Know About Tubal Reversal

    You are probably familiar with tubal litigation, the procedure done for birth control reasons. In the US, so many clinics specialize in tubal litigation. Women who can’t use traditional contraceptives see tubal litigation as the perfect family planning solution.

    During the process, the fallopian tube is tied so as the ovum doesn’t get to the uterus. For this reason, fertilization does not take place. Thanks to advanced medicine, the process can be reversed for women who want to conceive in the future. The correction procedure is called tubal reversal. But before you consider tubal reversal in Dallas or anywhere else, you should know a few aspects about the procedure:

    1. Tubal Reversal Can Help You Conceive Normally

    As a surgical procedure, tubal reversal is meant to revive the fallopian tubes that were originally rendered useless. This means that the egg is able to move towards the uterus to be fertilized. So, the development of the fetus occurs normally in the uterus after tubal reversal. When it comes to the delivery, it also occurs normally, unless there is a complication.

    1. There are Different Tubal Reversal Techniques

    Tubal reversal is done using surgical techniques like laparoscopy, laparotomy, and robotic technique (assisted tubal reversal). The method used on you is determined by the expert after running some tests. All methods are done under safe general anesthesia. Basically, the procedure is painless and safe.

    1. You Have a 70% Chance of Conceiving Again

    For women under 40, the probability of them getting pregnant is about 70%. However, older have a lower chance. Of course, the percentage is also affected by other factors other than age, including health, BMI, viability, and the tube litigation technique used. Pregnancy, however, does not happen immediately. You’ll have to go back to the clinic after 3-4 months so that the doctors can determine if you the fallopian tubes are fully revived. Not until then should you try getting pregnant.

    1. The Procedure Has a 5% Risk

    The risk comes in the form of a condition called ectopic pregnancy. In such a case, the egg remains in the fallopian tube instead of dropping to the uterus to be fertilized. So, the embryo tries to grow where it is. If left there, it may not survive. However, expert doctors are able to intervene to correct the situation before it gets worse. An ectopic pregnancy is likely to occur when you try getting pregnant too soon after the tubal reversal procedure.

    1. It Doesn’t Take Long to Recover

    The healing process after tubal reversal doesn’t take long. In most cases, you are allowed to leave the clinic a day after the procedure. Afterward, you are advised to avoid strenuous activities so that you can recover much faster. If all goes well, you should be okay in a few days following discharge.

    With the above information in mind, you can decide whether to have a tubal reversal or not. If you have any concern about the procedure, you should talk to your doctor. A doctor is in a better position to explain to you the expectations based on your health status.