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Common Medications Prescribed Before and After Rhinoplasty!

    Rhinoplasty, also known as, nasal surgery is a procedure that surgically removes cartilage from the nose for correcting and reconstructing. There are two types of nose jobs which include reconstructive surgery where the functions of the nose are restored and cosmetic surgery where the procedure is done to enhance the nose’s aesthetic beauty.


    If you are interested in rhinoplasty, you should know that all procedures are not the same. There are a series of precautions and steps that are taken in order to achieve the desired result of the patient. Nasal surgeries can be done inside of the nose or externally using microscopic incision. The main thing occurring in these surgeries is readjustment of the bone and cartilage beneath the skin.


    The Consultation


    During your consultation, your surgeon will explain to you how the procedure is done and what can actually be done to the nose. There are many ways to restructure the nasal bone and depends on what the patient would like being done. Your surgeon will also ask what you would like done and inform you of any concerns they may have, if any. Typically, the surgeon will use cartilage from deep inside your nose or from your ear to complete your procedure. In extreme cases, the cartilage can be taken from any bone within the body including your ribs.


    What happens before surgery?


    A very important piece of the consultation will be the surgeon telling you what medications will be given to you before the surgery and what they recommend you take afterwards. Rhinoplasty is a major procedure that requires sedation. This can be administered through local or general anesthesia. The one that you receive will be at the discretion of your surgeon. They will evaluate the difficulty of the surgery and then make the decision. It is always good to discuss which type of anesthesia may be best for your body during the procedure. Local anesthesia is usually given with sedation. It is largely used in outpatient settings and only covers the area in which you will be treated. When getting nasal surgery, the doctor will insert a pain-numbing medication into the nasal tissue.


    Following this step, you will be sedated through and IV line. You will not be fully asleep if you are receiving local anesthesia. On the other hand, general anesthesia is given through an IV line. The patient inhales the anesthetic and a smaller tube in placed into a vein located in the hand, neck, or chest. Many like general anesthesia because it affects your entire body and allows you to slip into a state of unconsciousness. A breathing tube is required due to the complexity of the task. The procedure will be over before you know it and you will be transported to a recovery room following your surgery. This is where you will be monitored until you have reached full alertness, Patients usually leave the same day that they have their procedures done. If you are experiencing any major health issues, it is possible for you to stay in recovery overnight.


    After Surgery


    Once the surgery is done the surgeon highly recommend that you follow all recovery safety precautions immediately. This includes resting with your head about your chest. This prevents bleeding and swelling in the surgical area. It is normal to feel discomfort due to the congestion caused by the swelling or the splints that are placed in your nostrils. The gauze that is placed in the nose can stay in there from about one to seven days depending on the rate of healing. You may also receive an external splint that is tape to your nose for support. This will be there for about once week as well.


    When taking care of yourself post-operation, there are many medications that you may be introduced to. The most common of them all are analgesics. Analgesics are the pain medications that you may receive to help lighten the pain following your surgery. They can be take through IV, pills, lozenge, suppository, liquid, and patches. The strength of your specific analgesic will align with the severity of the pain that you are experiencing. This is a results of the medication containing opioids. It can either be pure or mixed with acetaminophen or NSAIDs. These include morphine, tylenol, or percocets.


    You may also receive a prescription for anticoagulants. Their main role is to reduce blood clotting in the surgical area. This is the most important because of the risks of blood clots in surgery. Anticoagulants are given through an IV, an injection, or in a pill form. These include Enoxaparin and Warfarin. Symptom-reducing medications may also be given to reduce any discomfort that you may experiencing post-operation. These include anti-nausea medications, laxatives, and Pepcid.


    Other Precautions


    In addition to taking your prescribe medications, there are other precautions that need to taken. In most cases, these need to be completed for several weeks following the surgery.


    You should:


    • Avoid strenuous activities such as aerobics and jogging.
    • Take baths instead of showers while you have bandages on your nose.
    • Don’t blow your nose.
    • Eat high-fiber foods, such as fruits and vegetables, to avoid constipation. Constipation can cause you to strain, putting pressure on the surgery site.
    • Avoid extreme facial expressions, such as smiling or laughing.
    • Brush your teeth gently to limit movement of your upper lip.
    • Wear clothes that fasten in the front; don’t pull clothing, such as shirts or sweaters, over your head.


    These are only to name a few. After speaking with your surgeon, you will know everything that needs to be done in order to properly take care of your yourself after surgery.


    Dr. Daniel G. Becker is a board-certified specialist with abundant knowledge in ENT and facial procedures. Dr. Becker’s offices are located in many areas of New Jersey & Pennsylvania. Contact Dr. Becker if you’re in need of rhinoplasty in New Jersey.