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5 Problems Modern Medicine Can’t Solve (That Your Faith Can!)

    Currently, technological changes are happening faster than before, and drugs with exceptional therapeutic benefits are being discovered at an alarming rate.


    With drastic advancements in the field of medicine, diseases/disorders that used to claim people lives such as malaria are no longer a threat. However, the hand of medicine is not long enough to solve all conditions.


    For a long time now, people think that faith and medicine are two opposing sides. However, the truth of the matter is that they are both complementary and are geared towards making life easier and enjoyable.


    Science is beginning to realize that knowledge alone is not enough, and that faith in God is a fundamental aspect for complete healing.


    The article will take you on a journey that will unveil the challenges that only faith can solve.


    A Fundamental Truth

    Most conditions that medicine cannot treat have a psychological bearing. Undoubtedly, God is your designer. He knows everything about your body, and He sustains your life in miraculous ways. He protects you from diseases and ensures that you recover quickly when you fall sick.


    Notably, God is the source of the knowledge used by doctors to treat human diseases. However, not all challenges that you undergo can be treated through the administration of medicine, as stated and explained below:


    Challenge#1- Emotional Stress

    You experience stress when you are faced with a situation that proves difficult for you to cope with. Symptoms of stress include learning difficulties, anxiety, and excess tension. Although there are anti-depressants that are usually administered to control and regulate stress, the drugs do not promise a full recovery from stress. According to Philippians 4:6, the Bible reminds us that if we commit our cares to the Lord in faith, we will stop being anxious because He will take care of all our needs.


    Challenge#2- Schizophrenia

    Schizophrenia is a condition that affects a few people in America. Symptoms that are associated with Schizophrenia include irrational beliefs, incoherent thoughts, and negative behaviors. As a result, you lose the motivation to live and achieve your goals. Even more, the condition compels you to disconnect from other people. Through faith, as recorded in 2 Timothy 1:7, God reminds us that He gave us a bold spirit which is full of love and self-control. Therefore, through faith in the word of God, your thoughts will be transformed to become rational and sober.


    Challenge#3- Depression

    According to the National Institute of Mental Health, approximately 6.7% of Americans were suffering from depression in 2016. Depression manifests in different ways. Depression makes you feel empty, hopeless, and helpless. Even more, depression affects your work life, eating habits, and sleeping patterns. Although several medications reduce depression, the permanent solution comes through faith, as stated in Deuteronomy 31:8, where God encourages us to be bold and fearless.


    Challenge#4- Hypochondriasis

    Hypochondriasis is a condition where you believe to be suffering from a disorder that is not present in your body. Hypochondriasis has caused a significant number of people to spend a lot of time and resources visiting different hospitals for checkups. Although tests confirm that you are free, hypochondriasis makes you believe that you are sick, Through faith in God’s healing power, the fear is removed from you, and you start living a free and healthy life (Psalm 18:2).


    Challenge#5- Narcissism

    Narcissism is a condition that makes you feel overly important and admired by people. When you have this psychological condition, you tend to be agitated by the successes of other people. Even more, you fail to pay attention to the feelings and emotions of other people. Undoubtedly, this is a challenge that medicine cannot solve. On the contrary, faith in God helps you understand that we are all equal and important before the eyes of God, as documented in Genesis 1:27.


    As explained above, it is essential to appreciate the significant roles that faith plays in your life. From promising you a better and more fulfilling stress-free life to helping you overcome the above five problems that modern medicine cannot solve.