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How to Get the Biggest Benefits of Walking

    Physical exercise is a staple part of one’s healthy lifestyle. However, due to the current situation with the pandemic, it’s a bit more difficult to go to the gym or other communal spaces to work out. Therefore, finding other means of staying fit is definitely important, especially if you have certain health issues that need to be taken care of. 


    Walking is, therefore, a great alternative to more demanding exercises. It allows you to set up your own pace and duration, and anything you do, you always feel great after taking a nice walk. So for that reason, here are some of the biggest benefits of walking and tips on how to get them.

    Take a walk after eating 

    Eating a delicious meal or a snack can be comforting for sure, but it can also cause bloating or gas. Therefore, if you feel a bit overwhelmed after eating too much, then taking a nice, long walk is a great way to feel some relief. Walking is believed to reduce BMI (body max index), and thus, lower obesity levels. This study from the University of Warwick confirmed that people who walked for 15,000 steps or more each day, reported the BMIs that were normal and healthy. Still, if you plan to take a walk immediately after eating, then be sure not to walk too intensely as that can upset your stomach. 

    Walk whenever it’s possible 

    If your aim is to be more active, then walking as much as you can is a great way to begin this new chapter in your life. Living in the modern age means you’ll likely encounter issues with cholesterol, high blood sugar, high blood pressure and heart diseases. And walking is a great way to stay more active without exhausting yourself. It’s realistic to make 10,000 steps a day, and in order to do that, try to walk more often. For example, rather than driving short distances, feel free to take a walk especially on a nice day. Also, nowadays, there are many devices and gadgets that can track your movements and count your steps, so using them will keep you more motivated to continue. 

    Get some walking gear 

    Unlike running, walking is less dynamic, and it definitely requires fewer pieces of equipment. However, this doesn’t mean you shouldn’t invest in walking gear. Aside from the above-mentioned gadgets, you should also get yourself a pair of long distance walking shoes as that will help you feel more secure and safe during the walks. Your shoes should be comfortable, lightweight, durable and resistant to moisture. But, if you want to take long walks in the country or wilderness, then you should make sure to get shoes that will be able to carry you through different locations. 

    Use a treadmill 

    Even though walking in nature is better than anything else, sometimes that’s not the option. Sometimes, the weather conditions may be too harsh that walking becomes dangerous, so if you’re just starting out, then investing in a treadmill might be a good idea. Walking on a treadmill still counts, especially since you can speed up the pace anytime you like. But, in order to get the maximum out of a treadmill, make sure to follow the safety guidelines, and to choose a pace that fits your overall levels of fitness and experience. 


    Walking is the best and most practical physical exercise that doesn’t require expertise. Therefore, if you don’t enjoy gyms or running, taking walks on a regular basis is a great way to stay active, and lower the risk of many diseases and obesity. Just make sure to start slowly, and pick up the pace only when you feel comfortable enough-