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How to Put Weight Loss on Autopilot

    “My doctor says I’m obese and I need to lose weight…but how do I do it?” In order to lose weight, it is important to consume fewer calories so that your body starts to burn fat for energy. 

    Before we jump into the research-based ways to put weight loss on autopilot, use this calculator to get an estimate of how many calories you might aim to consume in order to lose weight.

    Once you find out how many calories to consume each day, make sure you…

    Don’t forget the protein

    If you are wanting to lose fat without losing muscle, research has shown it is important to get enough protein. Protein is an essential nutrient for building muscle, losing fat, and for controlling appetite.

    According to researchers in the Journal of Physiology and Behaviour: “protein-induced satiety appears to be of vital importance for weight loss and weight maintenance.” This means that consuming adequate amounts of protein leaves us feeling less hungry and makes losing weight much more enjoyable.

    Why does eating more protein leave us feeling more satisfied?

    According to Dr. Lemmens et al, (2012), it is because protein is harder to break down. Compared to fats and carbs, protein requires 4-10x more energy to digest. So not only does protein leave us feeling fuller for longer, it actually helps us burn more calories just to digest it (Lemmens et al,, 2012).

    How much protein is enough?

    In order to improve body composition and blood pressure, Dr. Lemmens et al, (2012), suggests consuming 1.2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. For example, a person who weighs 91kg (200lbs) would aim to have at least 110 grams of protein per day.

    Dr. Brinkworth’s et al. (2012) meta-analysis of randomized-controlled studies suggests to consume even more protein in order to lose fat. This research published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that people lost the most weight when 25-35% of their diets consisted of protein. To illustrate, someone weighing 200lbs might aim to have at least 150 grams of protein per day.

    Once you figure out the amount of protein you want to get each day, aim to eat variations of the same delicious meals. This makes it incredibly easy to hit your protein and calorie goals.

    Especially if you use…

    Intermittent fasting

    Is breakfast really the most important meal of the day or was that just one of those unfounded claims that somehow spread like wildfire?

    Research published in the Annual Review of Nutrition seems to disagree with this claim. Drs. Patterson and Sears (2017) dove into various peer-reviewed studies including randomized-controlled trials. Their findings suggest that intermittent fasting promotes weight loss, improves metabolism, and enhances overall health.

    It is no surprise that intermittent fasting has become such a common practice in fitness circles. 

    Not only do many fitness coaches claim that intermittent fasting promotes fat loss, but researchers in the New England Journal of Medicine have found that “during periods of fasting, triglycerides are broken down to fatty acids and glycerol, which are used for energy.” In non-scientific language, this means that intermittent fasting, turns our bodies into fat-burning machines.

    After a couple of weeks of intermittent fasting, for many people it becomes so easy that they will never go back. Personally, I love it because I find it makes sticking to my calorie budget so much easier while enjoying amazing meals in the evening.

    Action Steps:

    • If you haven’t yet, use this calculator to get an estimate of your daily calorie goal for weight-loss.
    • Once you find your daily calorie goal, aim to get 25-35% of your calories from protein. To find this, use the following formula: 

    (Insert your # of daily calories here  x 0.25) ÷ 4 = 

    Below is an example for those who haven’t done math in a while:

    2400 calories x 0.25 = 600

    600 ÷ 4

    = 150 grams of protein per day

    • Give intermittent fasting a shot by pushing your first meal to 5-6 hours after you wake up. Commit to this for 2 weeks.
    • Consult a medical professional before starting a nutrition or exercise plan. I’m not a doctor and this article is meant for informational purposes only and does not substitute for professional medical advice. The authors of this article and the owners of the site are not liable for risks or issues associated with using or acting upon the information in this article. Check out stresclin complex uk for more info.

    About the author

    Chad Alexander BSc, MEd, BEd is a personal trainer, weight loss coach, and blogger at Fitness Minimalists. He is on a mission to educate and empower people to level up their fitness with only the essentials to live more confident and adventurous lives.