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Top 7 Superfoods for Glowing Skin

    top 7 superfoods for glowing skin

    top 7 superfoods for glowing skin

    Skin is the largest organ of the body. Many people take care of their skins by mainly cosmetic-based products. However, it is better to nourish your skin from the inside out, especially by eating nutritious food.

    As the things you eat may have an impact on your appearance, consuming food that is rich in fiber, healthy oils and vitamins improve the skin condition and glow. Below are the suggested super food for blemish-free skin:


    top 7 superfoods for glowing skin


    Ginger is compatible with all types of skins. It is well-known for its anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory, which is found in the ginger’s root. Research has proved the smoothness effect that ginger has on skin, therefore, it is friendly to every skin, even with the most sensitive one.


    top 7 superfoods for glowing skin


    It is true that “An apple a day, doctor is away”. Apple is rich in malic acid, whose scientific name is alpha hydroxyl acid. Malic acid has skin cells renewing properties that create a glowing, youthful and firmer complexion.

    Eating apple is also better than using cosmetic products because malic acid in apple is gentler than the acids used in cosmetic like salicylic and glycolic acid.

    Your digestive system will thank you a lot for eating apple daily. As apple contains high amount of fiber, it helps promote bowel movement and clear out the colon effectively.


    top 7 superfoods for glowing skin


    Lemon is one of the finest natural super food. Full of phosphorous, vitamin C and vitamin B, lemon proves itself as a perfect food for young-looking skin.

    Lemon can clear dead skin tenderly and blur dark spots with its natural acids. The extract of lemon is usually used in facial cleaner products because of its amazing ability to remove dust and oil in the pores without dehydrate the skin.

    For best use, use the lemon extract to apply on your face. You can simply squeeze the lemon juice, dip the cotton ball into it and use the mixture on the affected skin area. Or create a natural facial mask with grape juice, egg white and lemon juice to have a radiant and glowing skin.


    top 7 superfoods for glowing skin


    Berries such as strawberries, blueberries and blackcurrants are great source of vitamin C. Therefore, they help strengthen skin structure and improve its elasticity. Furthermore, berries provide plant nutrients including catechins and quercetin, which work as an anti-oxidant for the skin and body.

    Another amazing advantage of berries is that they are sugar-low. As we know, excessive consuming of sugar drinks result in skin ageing, therefore, berries are very popular for diet.

    You can eat them raw or make berries smoothie or even eat as a snack by mixing them with yoghurt. Eat berries daily to maximize their effects and get a radiant skin.


    top 7 superfoods for glowing skin


    It would be a mistake if avocado is not mentioned in the list of healthy food for the skin. Avocados play the role of a softener and moisturizer for the skin. With plenty of anti-oxidants like carotene, beta and lutein, avocados help remove wrinkles and slow down the aging process, bringing you a younger looking complexion.

    There are many ways to reap avocado in skin nourishment. You can make avocado mask yourself, with a teaspoon of honey. Apply this super mask twice a week and you will definitely see the difference! Another way is put avocado in your diet. Use avocado and orange to make healthy fruit salad, your body and skin will thank you later!


    top 7 superfoods for glowing skin


    Rich in lycopene, an anti-aging oxidant, tomato stands out in the skin care world as a top food for radiant-looking skin. Lycopene is not only an effective anti-oxidant but it also prevents heart disease.

    Furthermore, tomato is packed with minerals and nutrients, namely vitamin C, A, B1, B3, B7, B6, K and vitamin B5, which makes both eating or applying tomato as facial mask perfect treatment for your skin.

    To utilize the benefit of lycopene, apply tomato juice on the skin. The natural acid in tomato can prevent spots and pimples while tomato pulp clean the pores and tighten them. Also, lycopene can be an effective sunblock. Keep the mask for 10 minutes then rinse your face with warm water. Repeat it daily to see visible results.


    top 7 superfoods for glowing skin


    Orange is a top-notch food for a blemish-free skin, especially with its peel. Orange peel contains an abundant source of vitamin C, antibacterial and antimicrobial properties. Consuming orange peel frequently can brighten and whiten your skin in a short time.

    Properly mix 1 teaspoon of powdered orange peel with 2 teaspoons of yoghurt to apply on your face. This natural mask helps reproduce and improve the color of the skin efficiently. Eating orange raw or mixing them with other fruits to make fruit salad is both advantageous for the skin.

    We are what we eat. Having a healthy diet with balanced amount of nutrients and vitamin can benefit both your body and skin to a great extent. However, eating healthy should follow with regular exercise and healthy lifestyle. Give your skin the best treatments and appropriate care, you will get back a youthful and flawless skin than ever!

    About the Author:

    This article is written by Ashley Bennet, a senior-contributor of AuthorityRemedies. She has worked and trained in the field of Nutrition and Health for over 3 years, consistently providing people with useful information about nutrition as well as helping them with their common health problems.