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Yoga and it’s forms



    Yoga is, originally, a philosophy born in India some 3500 years ago. The practice has evolved and different ways have developed, enjoying great popularity. In Quebec, some thirty styles of yoga are taught, from the calmest to the most dynamic. All allow you to build muscles, work flexibility, learn to breathe, improve coordination, learn to manage stress and relax.

    In a yoga class, students perform series of postures, called asanas, while learning to breathe through specific exercises, called pranayam.  Depending on the style chosen, the sequences can be slow or very fast and the breathing more pronounced. The most important thing is to go without force, according to the limits and to follow instructions of the teacher to avoid injuries.


    With yoga, one develops not only one’s physical form, but also one’s mind. Yoga goes beyond the body. It’s a way of life and people who practice it see an improvement in their daily lives; for example, they are more focused or they manage their emotions better. As in any activity, it is the attendance that pays off.  


    The necessary equipment is always the same, regardless of the type of yoga: comfortable clothes and a non-slip mat. If additional material is needed, it will be provided by the teacher. Also, aside from the Bikram which requires a closed place for warmth, yoga can be practiced indoors and outdoors, when the weather allows it. Portrait of the most popular types of yoga:

    Hatha Yoga

    It is the basis of all other styles. Very gentle, it teaches classical postures and initiates breathing exercises. Practiced regularly and with discipline, it brings flexibility, tone, muscle strengthening and better stress management. It is for those who want to learn soft yoga, learn the basics and evolve in their practice. It is the most taught yoga in the West.

    Iyengar Yoga

    It is a precision yoga. Demanding, he focuses on body alignment and concentration. He works in depth on the circulatory system, breathing and the mind. It also makes the legs work, increases vitality and balance. It is for those who are looking for a practice to learn to relax tension, to relax while toning.

    Vinyasa yoga (power yoga)

    Also called power yoga, the vinyasa is a mix of different yogas with sequences of standing and sitting postures. It requires good stamina and can sustain physical effort long enough. It is perfect for those seeking muscle building and developing endurance and cardio.

    Ashtanga (astanga)

    It is a very dynamic yoga with steady pace changes. The work is based on sequences of fast and precise postures. The goal is to synchronize the breath on the movement. Each session lasts between 60 and 90 minutes and ends with a few minutes of relaxation. It is suitable for those who want a dynamic yoga. It is a style designed to build muscles and improve flexibility. It is advised to those who suffer from the back, because it makes work the back muscles deep.


    Pretty new and already very popular, the Bikram is a yoga that is practiced in a room heated to 40 ° C. The heat allows to stretch the body, to go further in the movement. This yoga improves flexibility, strengthens muscles, relieves tension and facilitates the elimination of toxins. The body is refined and toned. It is not recommended for those with cardiovascular problems or inflammatory diseases.