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Coping with menstrual pain without resorting to drugs

    Menstrual pain can affect almost all areas of a woman’s life. It is difficult to explain just how debilitating it can be. Reaching for the medicine cabinet can offer a quick fix, but there are alternatives that do not involve that action. Continue reading for our guide to doing just that.

    Chamomile Tea

    Sipping a cup of chamomile tea can help to alleviate period pains. It contains anti-inflammatory ingredients that impede prostaglandins, which are responsible for headaches, nausea and cramps. They are also said to improve the menstrual flow, helping to ease the situation somewhat. Chamomile tea is a reasonably priced option.

    Tens Machine

    Many people associate the TENS machine with labor. However, the pains that occur in the early stages of childbirth can be fairly similar to period pains. Therefore, a TENS machine can be a great option. You simply place the pads on the back, close to the worst of the pain, and then switch on. Start off on a low level to begin with, which will send gentle pulses to your back. It is a non-evasive method of soothing your pain.


    Filling a hot water bottle or using a wheat pack, which can be heated up in the microwave, and applying to your stomach area or back, can help to lessen the amount of pain you feel. Heat patches are great too and fantastic if you’re on the go or somewhere without hot water or a microwave. You simply take one out of the packet, peel off the backing, and apply to the area where the pain is. Some do require you to place on top of a layer of clothing to protect the skin, so be sure to carefully read the instructions. 

    Essential Oils

    Headaches are a common side effect of that time of the month. The use of essential oils, such as these from, can be a fantastic help in alleviating this symptom. It is proven that these oils, like peppermint, lavender and rosemary, stimulate the limbic system in the brain. It is not just headaches and migraines that can be relieved in this way though; cramps are another thing that can be eased, especially using cinnamon, lavender and clary sage. Inhalation is the most common method. However, massage using them can be effective too. 


    Becoming dehydrated can worsen your pain significantly. Try to ensure you drink plenty of water during your period. If you struggle with water, try adding a slice of lemon or a few mint leaves. Although it can be tempting to drink alcohol and drinks filled with caffeine, these will only serve to increasing your dehydration and making the pain worse. Avoiding salty foods will also help.


    For some women, the thought of exercise at this time of the month is unbearable. However, increasing your heart rate and sweating a little help to release endorphins, which are your body’s natural feel-good hormones. Even moderate activity, such as a brisk walk, can have a positive impact.