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3 Reasons Why Everybody Should Learn to Swim

    More than half of Americans don’t know how to swim well enough to save themselves. Do you? 

    When summer rolls around, do you find yourself avoiding the water? Swimming is an important skill for people of all ages to enjoy the water and possibly save lives. Have you thought about swimming lessons but not sure if you should?

    Here are three reasons everyone should learn to swim. 

    1. It Can Save a Life

    Sure, not everyone is a lifeguard, but swimming can save a life. You can save your own life or someone in need of help if you can swim. 

    Playing around water is a big responsibility. You need to learn to watch the signs if someone is in trouble. Swim lessons will teach you these signs

    If you have children, you should teach them to swim. Accidental drowning is the number one cause of death for kids between the ages of 1-4. Swimming lessons for kids can help with confidence and give your kids the skills they need.

    1. It’s Therapeutic

    If you are looking for a way to relax and rejuvenate your body, you should learn to swim. Swimming can help with both physical and mental stress. 

    Using long muscle movements along with deep breathing when you swim stimulates the brain to release endorphins and other stress-reducing hormones. Swimming also promotes neural brain growth and activity to create feelings of calmness.

    People with injuries find that jumping in a pool is a great way to recover from injuries and rebuild strength. 

    Learning to swim is a lifelong skill, so once you learn, you will always remember. You can then focus on the water to free your mind and the stress of life.

    1. It’s Healthy

    Swimming is a great fitness choice for everyone, even those with physical limitations. It is a good whole-body exercise with low impact for people with weight limitations, arthritis, or musculoskeletal conditions.

    You use all major muscle groups when you swim including the back, abdominals, legs, shoulders, hips, and glutes. Water provides 12 times the resistance as air in each direction, so it helps you build strength.

    The tugging of gravity disappears when you swim, so you can relax some of the stress and tension when you exercise, especially in your back. With little stress on the spine, you can work on endurance and complete your exercise for great cardio and toning.

    In addition to toning your muscles, swimming is a great form of aerobic exercise. It can strengthen the heart by making it more efficient in pumping and getting better blood flow through your body.

    Swimming is also a great form of exercise for people with asthma, or exercise-induced asthma. The warm and humid air of the pool causes less irritation in the airways. It can also help strengthen your lungs and improve function and capacity.

    Learn to Swim Today

    Learning to swim can change your life. If you want to learn to swim, now is the time. Find a local place and find lessons for any age. 

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