Just about any doctor would agree that you need to try and stay fit, regardless of where you are in your life. If you don’t pursue any fitness goals because you’re not eating healthy foods and allowing yourself to become sedentary, it can be hard to get your body back to an acceptable condition. The longer you allow yourself to lapse, the tougher you make it to get back to what you once were.
This remains true at any age, but even more so when you reach your fiftieth birthday. Seniors need to stay active, and although most people would not consider you to be a senior at fifty, you’re also not that far away from that status.
With that in mind, let’s talk about some activities that those fifty years old and above can usually do. Most people don’t think of these as very strenuous activities, so the average individual fifty and up might make them a part of their routine.
You Can Go for a Bike Ride
Riding bikes is beneficial at any age, but it might be best for older adults because of how low impact it is. As you get older, you may find that your joints bother you, such as the knees, ankles, hips, or shoulders. Because of this, something like running might not be the best fit for you anymore.
Bike riding gets you outdoors, which is great if you lead a mostly sedentary lifestyle. For instance, if you’ve got a job where you sit in front of a computer screen for hours at a time, bike riding can get you some much-needed fresh air and sunshine.
You can plan out a route that doesn’t have any huge hills if you feel like you’re not capable of tackling those anymore. This is also a suitable activity you can do three out of the four seasons, possibly excluding winter if you live in a snowy environment.
Just be sure to plan a route that doesn’t have a lot of traffic. That can be dangerous for bike riders at any age.
You Can Take a Walk
Walking is better than running for older adults since you’re not putting as much pressure on your knees, ankles, back, etc. You can also choose your own pace. You can go slowly if you feel a little stiff, or you can switch it up to a brisk walk if you want to burn off some calories.
You can also go walking with your partner or spouse if you have one. You can go out with friends or neighbors if you want to help each other stay fit. This is a chance for you to both exercise and catch up on neighborhood gossip.
Remember to apply some sunscreen if the sun is out and bundle up if it’s cold outside. A 20–30-minute walk per day might suffice, or you can go on a longer stroll if you’re in the mood and don’t have as much on your schedule that day.
You Can Learn Some Yoga Stretches
Some older adults feel that yoga intimidates them, but it’s not much more than some stretches and meditation in a group setting. You can try some yoga classes if you want to see what it’s all about.
Once you master some of the basic moves, you can either keep attending classes, do it on your own, or both. Many adults over fifty like the way it stretches their sore muscles, but they also enjoy the meditation benefits. Taking some time to relax and focus on your breathing can center you and get you ready for the rest of your week.
Get an Exercise Bike
If you like biking, you might also purchase an exercise bike you can set up in your home. You can do that year-round, so you don’t have to take the winter off like you would with a standard bicycle.
Some high-end bikes, like the Peloton, need subscription services if you want to take the classes. That’s going to cost more, which some adults don’t like so much.
A regular exercise bike, though, is a one-time expenditure, and maybe that appeals to you more. You can also set up your new fitness machine easily enough, and it won’t take up much room in your home.
Try some of these different activities and see which one feels right for you. Maybe you’ll end up doing each of them if you feel like they all benefit you.