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4 Problems That Can Surface if You Delay Wisdom Teeth Removal for Too Long

    Wisdom teeth are back molars that come in as a person ages. More often than not, when these teeth come in, they are painful and cause the person a multitude of problems. In most cases, it is required that the wisdom teeth be removed. So, what happens if the person delays having their wisdom teeth extracted? The following are four common issues that can happen if wisdom teeth removal is delayed for too long.

    Impacted Wisdom Teeth

    The most common potential issue from delayed wisdom teeth extraction is impaction. An impacted tooth occurs when there is not adequate room in the mouth for the tooth to break through the gum correctly. The tooth, or part of the tooth, stays below the gum line, which can be very painful. If the tooth is partially protruding, that leaves the gum open, allowing food and other foreign particles to get below the gum line, causing infections. This infection and other exposure can also cause the tooth to decay rapidly. If it is thought that a wisdom tooth is impacted, it is important to see a Surrey dentist quickly before it gets worse.

    Destruction of Surrounding Teeth

    At times wisdom teeth will break through at peculiar angles, causing them to push into the surrounding teeth. When this occurs, it can compromise the adjacent teeth and cause them to move. This movement can misalign the bite pattern of the teeth. The bite pattern is fundamental, and if it is off, it will put undue pressure and stress on the jaw muscles and bones. This stress can be painful when having to perform everyday activities like talking and chewing. Once the bite is off, an orthodontist will have to be consulted for braces to realign the pattern.

    Dentigerous Cyst

    A dentigerous cyst is a cyst derived from the tissue that surrounds a tooth before it erupts. If a wisdom tooth is not removed, the sac that surrounds it can fill with fluid, which causes this type of cyst. This is very painful and causes extreme damage to the jawbone, teeth, and even nerve damage. If there is damage to the bone, it is likely that bone and tissue will have to be removed to rectify the problem. This type of cyst can develop with any tooth but is most common with wisdom teeth.

    Gum Disease

    Pericoronitis, or gum disease, can be a severe side effect of postponing the wisdom tooth extraction. The disease can spread and quickly affect other teeth and the whole mouth. This spread can cause other teeth to have to be removed. It can also cause a bad taste in the mouth as well as bad breath. The disease can cause the gums to swell, which is very painful, and in exacerbated circumstances, it can cause personal issues with opening their jaw and other health complications.

    If a dentist advises wisdom tooth extraction, it is best to heed that advice and proceed with the procedure. If delayed too long, it will cause a variety of other problems that will have to be solved including the aforementioned issues as well as many others. Those additional problems will be painful and costly but are preventable by having the wisdom tooth extracted.