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5 Best Skin Tightening Treatments

    Tighter skin helps you appear more youthful and healthy. Unfortunately you’re not likely to get significant results with a home skincare routine. Loose skin is frustrating and has a significant impact on self-esteem. Once you have loose skin, it can be challenging to reverse. Carol A. White, MD and her team perform nonaggressive skin tightening treatments using radiofrequency.

    What is skin tightening?

    Skin tightening is a treatment that improves skin elasticity. The skin becomes looser and less active as you grow old. Some factors like stress and sun damage can cause your skin to loosen.

    With skin tightening treatments, you can enjoy tighter, smoother skin with less cellulite. There are non-invasive treatments which stimulate skin tightening using radiofrequency energy. They stimulate blood flow and heat your deep tissues.

    Best Skin Tightening Treatments

    1. Chemical treatments

    Chemical treatments, such as medicated creams and peels, are the first option many people try as they are less invasive and widely available. These have been used for many years and have proven to be an excellent way to tighten skin, reduce lines, and report a slightly lifted effect by improving collagen. The impact is limited because they only penetrate superficially.

    They are plenty of OTC products that promise to tighten the appearance of the skin. Serums, creams, and lotions may contain hyaluronic acid, growth factors, or elastin that can restore a youthful look by plumping the skin temporarily after application.

    1. Radiofrequency microneedling

    The treatment is the hottest new thing because it allows the doctors to target heat and personalize it to the patient. These come in different powers, from a lunchtime lift with freshening effect to a thorough treatment causing swelling, but producing more promising results. The powerful therapies are used by people whose skin is sagging but want to avoid surgery.

    Tiny holes in the skin are needed to approach the more profound level. Results emerge within six weeks to three months.

    1. Ultrasound skin tightening

    Ultrasound passes harmlessly through the skin, tightening its deeper tissues. The devices use sound waves to boost collagen under the skin’s surface, tightening the skin. Sometimes these treatments are not enough; they work better for heavy-fatty skin, as it will tighten and shrink these structures that cause sagging.

    1. Surgical skin tightening

    Plastic surgery is the best standard when it comes to skin tightening. For this option, surgeons target problem areas with hidden cuts. Surgery may be the only solution for people with loose skin from massive weight loss.  

    1.     Laser skin tightening

    Lasers offer a directed treatment, and targeting the collagen and water will thicken the structures, reducing sun damage and fine lines.  This procedure has little to no downtime. It is a popular procedure, but to get the best result, you will need multiple treatments.

    Schedule a consultation with experienced cosmetic surgeons at Dr. White’s Vein Center and Morgantown SculpSure & Clear Ink, PLLC to discuss your goals, needs, and review your treatment options. Get information today on how non-surgical skin tightening can help you feel more comfortable in your own skin.