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5 Facts That Nobody Told You About Ahwatukee Dentist

    Visiting your dentist has become a modern phenomenon but do you know that people have been using toothpaste since ancient times. Back in that time, the ancient Greeks would use a combination that contained charcoal, iron rust, and coral powder. Meanwhile, toothbrushes were bunches of limbs that people would chew on. 

    Today, with the advancement of dental care, people can care for their oral health more prominently. Also, your dentist uses various tools to make your dental health livelier. When you have a healthy mouth and gum, it makes it more comfortable to eat well. Maybe you are not aware that your oral health is responsible for leading to many health issues. Let us discuss why you should have good oral health and how you can keep your mouth and gums healthy. 

    As you become an adult, you are more likely to have teeth and gum problems. This is because your eating habit changes, or you become careless regarding your oral care. Several issues can affect your oral health when you age, so you need to make your teeth and gum healthy. Followings are some issues that you may face if you will not care for your oral health.


    Tooth decay-

    Your teeth are coated with a hard, outer coating known as Enamel. Every day, a thin line of bacteria known as dental plaque develops on your teeth. The bacteria create acids that can harm enamel and cause cavities. However, brushing and flossing your teeth can prevent tooth decay, but only a dentist can help once the pits get developed. Use a toothpaste that contains fluoride to protect your teeth from decaying. When you are at a higher risk of developing tooth decay, the dentist will also suggest using fluoride treatment. 


    Gum diseases-

    The gum problem develops when the plaque builds up around and under the gum line. The designed plaque causes an infection that can hurt the gum and bone connecting your teeth. However, when you have a delicate gum problem, you might experience the gums getting red, tender, and more likely to bleed. This problem is known as Gingivitis, which can be fixed by regular flossing and brushing. 

    Another severe form of gum disease is periodontitis, which needs to be treated by a dentist. When the condition is left untreated, its infection can lead to sore, bleeding gums, pain while chewing, and even tooth loss. 


    To prevent any form of gum disease, you need to follow the below tips-


    • Using fluoride, brush your teeth twice a day.
    • Floss regularly
    • Visit the dentist for routine check-ups and cleaning. 
    • Follow a balanced diet
    • Avoid using tobacco products



    You may need to replace your teeth with severe gum diseases, which is either damaged or lost. You may use a partial denture that can help fill in one or more missing teeth. In the initial, your dentist will make sure to make your visit to ensure the dentures fit. You can feel strange at first, but your gums will change shape over time, and your dentures may be required to be adjusted or replaced. When you wear dentures, you need to be more careful as it may feel challenging to feel hot food and drinks or even observe bones in your food. When you start eating with dentures, try to start with soft and chewable items, cut the food into smaller pieces, and chew the food properly from both sides. 


    Dry mouth-

    Dry mouth occurs when your mouth is incapable of developing enough saliva and spit to keep it wet. Such a condition makes it difficult for you to eat, chew, and even to speak. Also, dry mouth can lead to tooth decay, cavities, and fungal infection of the mouth. However, there can be various reasons why dry mouth occurs, such as medicines taken for high blood pressure, depression, and bladder issues. Although, there are some remedies you can do to help with your dry mouths, such as sipping more water and avoid sugarless drinks, smoking, alcohol, and caffeine. 


    Oral cancer-

    The initial of oral cancer can start with any part of your mouth, throat, or tongue. Although it is more likely to develop in people over the age of 40. When you start experiencing the symptoms of oral cancer, it would be best to visit your dentist. However, pain is not an early sign of oral cancer. You can reduce the risk of oral cancer by following the below advice-


    • Avoid tobacco products such as cigarettes, chewing tobacco, snuffing pipes, and cigars.
    • Avoid consuming alcohol.


    How to Clean Your Teeth and Gum Every Day?


    Mentioned below are some of the correct ways to floss and brush your teeth. 


    • Smoothly, brush your teeth all over with a soft bristle brush and fluoride toothpaste. Also, remember to replace the toothbrush every 3 to 4 months. 
    • Apply small circular motions and short back and forth rubs.
    • Brush gently and carefully along with your gum lines.
    • Also, slightly brush your tongue, or you can also use a tongue scraper to keep your mouth clean.
    • Clean properly between your teeth with dental floss, pre-threaded flosser, a water flosser, or a similar product. It helps to remove plaque and leftover food, where your brush cannot reach.
    • Rinse thoroughly after floss.




    Maintaining dental care is necessary to avoid any severe health issues. However, it is also essential to find the best Ahwatukee dentist near you. Caring for your oral health can protect your mouth and overall health. Regular check-ups with your dentist can help to protect your teeth and gums. But you also need to follow a routine of regular brushing and flossing at home to prevent future diseases.