Did you know that weight is not the only indicator of a bad diet?
It’s just one of the telltale signs. Yet, there are tons of other complications that may arise due to unhealthy eating habits.
The human body requires proper nutrition to function normally. When you’re not eating right, you risk developing a host of health complications, some physically detectable and some not.
For this reason, we’ve compiled a list of severe health problems that are directly associated with unhealthy eating habits.
- Obesity
Obesity is a little more serious than simply being overweight.
It is a largely preventable condition that’s been on the rise for the past 30 years. Causes may include a tendency to consume greater quantities of processed foods and an increasingly sedentary lifestyle.
You don’t become obese overnight. It comes from developing a habit that leaves you with a too-high daily intake of calories and little-to-no physical activity to burn the excess.
A Few Eating Habits That May Contribute to Obesity:
- Emotional eating. This is when you eat intending to feel better and not because you’re hungry, and as a result, your body stores away excess calories as fats.
- Overeating. Once in a while, you may eat portions larger than your body needs. If this turns into a habit, becoming overweight is only a matter of time.
- Eating lots of processed food. Processed and junk foods tend to have unregulated amounts of fat and sugar.
- Drinking your calories. Lots of soft drinks, energy drinks, and even juices have high sugar content.
- High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure, or hypertension, means that the force of blood racing through your blood vessels is higher than average.
While the cause of high blood pressure is still a bit mysterious, a bad diet plays a significant role in worsening the condition. In some cases, it could result in the patient developing arteriosclerosis.
So, what’s the culprit in your diet that could lead to high blood pressure?
Generally, sodium is the biggest trigger of increased blood pressure. (Likely why foods containing high amounts of salt worsen the condition in some people.)
Salt is also primarily sodium, and the recommended daily amount is 1,500 ml. This amount is less than what many people use, considering it’s just a tiny bit more than half a teaspoon of salt.
A combination of high fat, calorie, and salt content in your diet can be a recipe for developing high blood pressure.
High Sodium Content Foods:
- Lunch meats or deli meats
- Dried soup mixes
- Bacon and sausages
- Frozen pizza
- Sauces and condiments
- Coronary Heart Disease
Did you know that a poor diet is associated with the development of plaque in the arteries?
If you end up with plaque in your arteries, you have a high chance of getting a heart attack or stroke due to arteriosclerosis. Arteriosclerosis refers to the condition where arteries become narrow and harden due to plaque buildup.
The endgame of arteriosclerosis is coronary heart disease. All these can stem from consuming excess animal fats, also known as saturated fats.
However, it’s almost impossible to avoid fats and oils as they are part of our daily life and instrumental in food preparation.
Still, it’s advisable always to use small amounts of fats and oils when cooking to avoid crossing the excess threshold.
- Skin Problems
Nutrients from food support the health of your skin. If your diet lacks adequate nutrients, it will manifest as various skin issues such as wrinkling, dryness, and cracking.
Studies have also revealed that popular foods, most of which are usually highly processed, can lead to skin inflammation. You should know that inflammation is a critical factor in developing acne.
You’ve probably heard people say you shouldn’t eat certain foods such as those with high fat and sugar content. Well, there’s truth to it, as these foods can increase the risk of adult acne.
- Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is a severe medical condition. It occurs when the body’s bones become weak and brittle, resulting in frequent fractures.
Bones become weak once there’s less replacement every time they break down. Your bone is a living tissue that renews itself constantly; old bone breaks down and new bone replaces it.
The rate at which new bone replaces old bone is a lot faster when you’re young, but it slows down as you age.
You start developing osteoporosis when the rate of bone renewal can’t keep up with the speed of bone loss.
Now, there are several risk factors for this condition, some of which are out of your control, such as:
- Sex
- Ethnicity
- Family history
However, there are risk factors that result from your lifestyle choices, in this case, bad diet. If you’re not getting enough calcium, you’re likely to develop osteoporosis. Calcium plays a crucial role in bone density.
Additionally, if you’re eating a lot less than your body needs, you’re at risk of developing the condition. Because you’re limiting your body’s nutrient source.
To drop the dietary risk factor for osteoporosis, eat a well-balanced diet. You get vital vitamins and minerals like calcium and vitamin D from vegetables and fruits.
Now that processed foods are the fastest, cheapest, and most convenient food options available, it’s a lot more challenging to eat healthily.
The popularity of these fast-food options and media backing doesn’t help the situation either. It’s worth always keeping in mind that a bad diet has a price, and that price is your wellbeing.
What’s the solution?
Maintain a balanced diet and gravitate more toward non-processed foods.
Also, introduce more fruits and veggies into your diet and stay away from high fat and high sugar foods. (It doesn’t hurt to indulge in junk every once in a while but try to keep it that way.)
One more thing — stay active!
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