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5 Telltale Signs That You May Need Glasses

    While it may seem as simple as blurry vision, there are often missed signs that can point to a vision problem. 

    Many people may not realize that they need glasses, which can lead to issues with eye health down the line. 

    How do you know if you need glasses? Keep reading for 5 significant signs that you may need glasses.

    1. Blurry Vision

    One of the most obvious signs that you may need to see an eye doctor is if your vision is blurred.

    However, there is a difference in the types of blurred vision. Understanding nearsighted vs farsighted vision is important to determine what type of glasses you need.

    If reading books or texts is difficult but viewing objects at a distance is easy, you may be farsighted. 

    If the opposite is true and up-close objects are clear but objects far away are blurred, you may be nearsighted. The difference between can make a world of difference in how you see the world. 

    2. Difficulty Seeing at Night

    Often underlooked or explained as normal, struggling to see at night or in dim, dark lighting is a sign that you need to take a visit to the optometrist. 

    If your vision seems to get worse at night, you could have a condition known as night blindness. Night blindness is a side effect of nearsighted vision. 

    Luckily, glasses can help remedy the difficulty of seeing in low light. If you need help finding the best glasses for you, talk to an optometrist for advice. 

    3. Seeing Halos

    Do you often see rings around lights? This is known as seeing halos. Typically, people experience halos more frequently at night.

    For example, seeing a ring of light around street lamps and experiencing discomfort are causes for concern. Halos can also be dangerous, as they interrupt your vision, making it harder to see. 

    If you buy glasses that can help alleviate symptoms, they can make nighttime activities like driving easier and safer. 

    4. Straining to See

    If you are constantly squinting or aching to see objects, it could be a sign that you need glasses.

    Whether you sit in front of a computer screen at work or have blurry vision, straining to see clearly can have physical effects on you. Nausea, headaches, and eye pain can result from squinting.

    Getting prescription eyeglasses can help alleviate eye strain by helping to protect your eyes and make seeing the world easier. 

    5. Headaches

    While headaches are quite common if your headaches frequently occur in conjunction with other symptoms of poor eyesight, it could be a sign that you need eyeglasses. 

    Whether you have headaches behind your eyes or suffer from frequent migraines, getting corrective lenses can help provide relief. 

    Your vision should not be causing you any pain. If you experience frequent headaches due to straining to see or bad eyesight, it may be time to schedule an appointment with an optometrist.

    Think You May Need Glasses?

    If any of these points felt all too familiar, it may be time to consider scheduling a visit to the eye doctor. When in doubt, visit an optometrist so they can properly assess your vision and determine whether or not you need glasses. 

    Regular eye exams are the easiest way to keep your eyes healthy while reducing the risk of serious problems down the line. 

    If you found this post helpful, be sure to check out the rest of our site for more health and wellness tips and advice.