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5 Things To Know About Fexofenadine Tablets

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    Long queues in the clinics or hospitals, individuals taking their sick leave, children missing their classes, red noses, the sneezes and coughs on every corner are common scenarios you see in the same months every year.

    People often call it the flu season and think various bacteria and viruses cause it. But there’s a more specific cause for this annual dilemma: You probably have hay fever or pollen allergy. Hay isn’t the primary cause, and fever isn’t an indicative symptom in spite of the name.

    Tips and tricks for home remedies are increasingly popular on social media. Still, a medical consultation and proper medication are important to be able to undergo blood tests and skin allergy tests, determine an accurate diagnosis and find the medicine suitable for you. The use of drugs such as Fexofenadine tablets is recommended by doctors, nurse practitioners, and pharmacists as well.  

    What Is Hay Fever?

    Hay Fever is known as seasonal allergic rhinitis – a condition caused by exposure to grass (mid-May to July), trees (late March to mid-May), weeds (June to September), and other types of pollen. These allergens are carried by insects, birds and the wind. 

    Early fall, summer and spring are the peak pollen seasons. However, the plant species, potency of the pollen, weather and temperature changes are also factors. 

    The most common symptoms are malaise; congested or runny nose; pain in the sinus areas; itchy ears, eyes, nose, palate, or throat; sneezing; headaches; loss of smell and taste and watery eyes. They can range from mild to severe, depending on the sufferer’s immune system defense. 

    Hypersensitive and asthmatic individuals may experience chest pain, coughing, difficulty breathing, shortness of breath (SOB), and a whistling noise upon breathing. Sinusitis, irritability, and sleeping difficulties can also develop.

    Preventive measures are encouraged to lessen symptoms or avoid acquiring Hay Fever. Alternative treatments include allergy shots, herbal medicine and aeroallergen immunotherapy. 

    Proper medication is necessary to prevent immune system weakening and worsening symptoms. 

    So, are fexofenadine tablets the answer? Here are the five things to know about them:

    1. How Do Fexofenadine Tablets Work?

    The immune system produces antibodies responsible for allergen detection. When pollen enters your body, the mast cells release large amounts of histamine, causing cellular inflammation, increased blood flow and blood vessel dilation. It’s responsible for the manifestation of various allergic reactions.

    A fexofenadine tablet is an antihistamine medication used to relieve hay fever symptoms. It has non-sedating effects, making it suitable for daytime use by kids and adults. The active ingredient, fexofenadine hydrochloride, acts as an inhibitor of histamine activity. 

    Fenofexadine can also treat allergic reactions from insect bites, skin allergies, and upper respiratory problems. Due to its non-drowse property, it’s the best choice for students and workers. 

    1. Do I Need A Prescription?

    You can buy Fexofenadine tablets over-the-counter (OTC). However, for kids less than six years of age and hypersensitive individuals, you need to seek medical advice before taking them. This is because of the possible adverse effects and risks to be discussed next. 

    1. What Are The Adverse Effects And Risks?

    The most common adverse effects are body malaise, diarrhea, dizziness, mild headache and nausea. Children experience vomiting in some reported cases. All of these symptoms are common among people who consume weight loss supplements. Learn more about le-vel thrive side effects to protect yourself.

    The symptoms are only mild and resolved shortly. However, if symptoms persist and worsen, seek medical attention immediately.

    Individuals with pre-existing conditions such as diabetes; hypertension and heart, kidney or liver ailments need medical clearance due to a high risk of developing harmful and unpredictable side effects. Pregnant and lactating women are prohibited from using this medication. 

    Fexofenadine tablets are not substitutes for epinephrine injections in treating severe allergies and anaphylaxis. They might only worsen your symptoms and lead to fatality.

    1. What Is The Proper Dosage?

    Tablets should be taken daily until the pollen season ends. They can be taken with or without food intake. The effects can last for 12 hours with a 60mg tablet and 24 hours with a 180mg tablet.  

    You can take the 180mg tablet once a day or the 60mg twice a day with a 12-hour interval for adults. The dosage for children depends on the physician’s orders. Thus, medical consultation is necessary.

    1. Some Medications Interact With Fexofenadine Tablets

    You must know about the medications that may counteract the effects of fexofenadine tablets. When taken together, it may worsen adverse effects and be fatal. 

    Such medications are aluminum-containing antacids, anticholinesterase inhibitors, anticholinergics, botulinum toxin, buprenorphine, erythromycin, opioids and rifampin. Medical advice is highly needed when under medication for a pre-existing condition. 

    Taking All into Consideration

    Seasonal changes are normal, and it may be hard to avoid pollen exposure. Hay fever can cause symptoms that decrease your daily productivity at work or school. You may ask your primary physician or pediatrician about fexofenadine tablets. These can also be bought over-the-counter. They’re effective in alleviating symptoms of hay fever. Their non-sedating property makes them suitable to take any time.