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5 Things You Should Know Before Buying and Using CBD

    Are you thinking about trying CBD (cannabidiol)? Whether you want to treat a medical condition, get better sleep, or recover quicker after exercise, CBD may have been suggested to you as a great solution.

    Here are five things you should know before buying or using CBD:

    #1: CBD Won’t Get You High

    If you’ve never taken CBD before, you might be concerned about the effects. CBD is derived from the cannabis plant, but unlike marijuana, it won’t get you high. That’s because the psychoactive element in marijuana is THC, not CBD.

    This is one reason why CBD is legal in many countries and almost all states.

    #2: CBD Can Help With a Range of Conditions

    CBD has been shown to be helpful in treating a range of medical conditions. It’s especially effective against some rare types of epilepsy. 

    Plus, it has a range of different health benefits. Studies have suggested that CBD can help combat anxiety, improve sleep, and help your muscles recover quicker after exercise. Some people also find that it can help with chronic pain.

    #3: CBD Varies in Quality

    While you might be tempted to buy the cheapest CBD oil or CBD product you can find, it’s important to recognize that CBD does vary in quality. As you might expect, the cost of CBD oil depends on the quality of product.

    If you buy an oil that only contains trace amounts of CBD, it may well be cheap … but it won’t be effective.

    This is why it’s important to look around and find a reputable CBD supplier, with products that are clearly labeled in terms of how much CBD they actually contain in milligrams (mg).

    #4: There Are Multiple Ways to Take CBD

    You’ve probably heard of people taking CBD as a tincture, placed under the tongue (applied sublingually). That’s a very common (and effective) way to take CBD but it’s not the best option for everyone.

    Other ways you can take CBD include capsules and drinks. You can buy water-soluble CBD that you can simply mix into your favorite beverage. You can even get CBD gummies to chew.

    So, if you try a CBD tincture and find you dislike the taste, don’t give up on CBD altogether. There are plenty of other options out there.

    Keep in mind that different methods of taking CBD have different levels of “bioavailability” (this is how much CBD is absorbed, and how quickly). 

    #5: CBD Can Sometimes Have Side Effects

    While CBD is generally considered safe, there are potential side effects that you should be aware of. These include dry mouth, reduced appetite, diarrhea, drowsiness, and fatigue. 

    It’s advised that you avoid CBD if you’re pregnant or breastfeeding, to be on the safe side. If you have any concerns about taking CBD, or if you have any health conditions, it’s a good idea to talk to a medical professional.

    Anyone taking CBD for the first time should start with a low dose for the first week or so of taking it. After that, if you’re not experiencing any side effects, you can gradually increase the dose.


    Remember, do your research, buy your CBD from a quality supplier, and consider what method of taking CBD will likely suit you best. Start off with a low dose, and seek medical advice if you have any concerns.