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5 Tips to Manage Your Diabetes for Life

    Diabetes is a common illness but living with it is not easy. When it comes to diabetes, prevention is extremely important. Diabetes involves high blood sugar levels because of inadequate insulin production. When high sugar circulates in the bloodstream, this condition is known as Diabetes Mellitus. 

    Managing diabetes is as intricate as having more healthy food and becoming physically more active. However, it is never too late to begin. Make some simples modifications in your life now that will help you prevent severe health problems of diabetes such as heart damage, kidney dysfunction, and nerve damage. These 5 diabetes managing tips for life will help you prevent major complications:


    • Controlling sugar levels in the bloodstream


    Blood sugar control and targets are different for everyone suffering from diabetes. Normal individuals usually have a sugar level of less than 100 mg/dl. For diabetic patients, many people suggest the targeted range of about 70 to 180 mg/dl. 

    If the level of sugar in the bloodstream is out of range, the patient’s body is at risk of complications both short-term and long-terms such as nerve damage, kidney disorders, and eye disorders related to diabetes. When you manage your sugar level in the blood, you can prevent big and small symptoms and make your life comfortable. 


    • Keep a record of blood sugar levels


    With time, the blood sugar level may change little by little in a way that you can’t monitor in 1 or 2 days of recording it. You are suggested to keep a diary to record the blood sugar level where you can check patterns with time. 

    It will help you know about your diabetes changing pattern and will help your diabetes care team to suggest the right treatment for it. 


    • Develop exercise routine


    Exercise is a good way to reduce your blood sugar level but its effects are lost soon after you stop doing exercise – usually within a week. Doing physical activity regularly comes with several benefits such as weight loss, reducing blood sugar levels, and enhancing sensitivity to insulin that will help keep the sugar level in the normal range in the bloodstream. 

    Research indicates that resistance training and aerobic exercise can assist diabetes control. You can get the most benefit from health and fitness training that includes both.  


    • Know your numbers


    There are other readings that you have to keep in check, in addition to the blood sugar records. Your consultant will also record your cholesterol and blood pressure. 

    Diabetes information will base on these numbers and they will inform you about your health:

    • A1c is the measure of sugar in the blood over time and must be checked two times a year.
    • Weight and blood pressure must be tested on your every visit to the doctor.
    • The level of cholesterol must be checked every 5 years and if there is trouble do it more than often. 


    • Learn to live with diabetes


    Living with diabetes often comes with feeling sad, angry, or overwhelmed. You may be well aware of the measure to follow to stay healthy but find it challenging to stick to your plan. Tips in the below section will help you manage your diabetes, be active, and eat well.

    Tips to manage your diabetes

    • Lower the stress level as it can lead to high blood sugar levels. Try gardening, meditating, deep breathing, working on your hobby, listening to music, or have a walk.
    • If you feel down, find help from support groups, health counselors, friends, or family members who can listen to you and make you feel good.

    Eat well

      • With the help of your health care team, make a meal plan and stick to it.
      • Opt for foods that are less in saturated fat, sugar, Trans fat, calories, and salt.


    • Go for foods with excessive fiber like bread, pasta, rice, crackers, or whole-grain cereals


    Be active

      • Make a schedule to stay more active for most time of the week. Begin with a light routine by taking 10 minutes of walk 3 times of the day.


    • Using exercise and meal plans stay active and maintain a healthy weight. 


    Consult your health care team

    • If you see any fluctuations in your health report to your health care provider.
    • For queries about diabetes, ask your doctor.