It’s a topic that some people just can’t get their heads around and in truth, this is hardly surprising.
After all, there are all sorts of myths and studies regarding human evolution and in some ways, we’ll never know the truth.
Today’s link round-up won’t get to the bottom of the topic, but it might just provide you with enough information to understand the theories a little more.
Putting all the myths on the table
In some respects, we were close to not including this first link. After all, myths are hardly going to do your understanding of the topic any good.
However, the sheer depth of this resource by Talk Origins made us change our mind. They have collected over 500 different myths, from all types of viewpoints, and taken the time to formulate responses with the relevant references.
It’s tough reading, but if you want a broad start this is one of the best links you can find.
A timeline of human evolution
For those of you looking for more of a chronological story, which is perhaps easier to comprehend, let’s present this article from the New Scientist.
It is significantly simpler than the first link we said, but that shouldn’t do it a disservice. On the contrary, it shows in laymen’s terms just how humans evolved and for most of us – this is all we need.
The link between dinosaurs and humans
This next resource goes into quite granular detail, focusing on dinosaurs and other prehistoric creatures and specifically, their teeth.
Are their physiological links between humans and dinosaurs? Well, that’s probably for another post to investigate. The reason we found this link interesting is because particularly with some of the smaller creatures featured on the infographic, there are still a lot of similarities with human teeth at least.
Identifying signs of evolution in the here and now
If we turn the clock forward to the present day, let’s present a link from Reader’s Digest. The team over at RD have found sixteen different signs of evolution that are obvious on your body.
Without trying to spoil the article, there are all sorts of surprises. For example, the coccyx. This pretty much sets the scene for a tail – which a lot of mammals obviously have.
Human evolution for little minds
If you have clicked on some of the links we have showcased already, you’ll firmly understand just how complex human evolution can be.
This next link tries to condense it into an easier-to-digest topic. It’s designed for kids, but in truth anyone is probably going to benefit reading it.
What about the future?
Human evolution tends to be interpreted as the past, so let’s leave you with this last interesting link from BBC Earth.
As we all know, science has come on a lot over the years, and there is already talk of designer babies and other intriguing concepts. This article discusses all of this, and talks about just how humans might evolve over the next million years.