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7 Questions to Ask Before Getting Liposuction

    Gaining weight comes with multiple concerns and disadvantages that can affect your physical and mental health. While losing weight through a healthy diet and exercise is preferred, sometimes people like to get a step ahead and opt for surgical procedures such as liposuction to tone the fatty parts of their bodies. It was ranked as Texas’s third most popular cosmetic surgery in 2022. 

    Liposuction can be a great choice if you are looking to kickstart your weight loss journey or get essential toning. However, there are certain things you need to clarify with your surgeon before making the decision. 

    1. What is Liposuction? 

    Liposuction is a detailed surgical process in which the certified dermatologist inserts a tube in your body by making small incisions in the skin. It suctions the excess unwanted fat, leaving behind the muscle. People are interested in liposuction due to various reasons, such as targeted fat reduction, body contouring, increasing muscle mass, and/or getting a jumpstart on their fitness journey. 

    Liposuction is performed on different areas of the body, but most people opt for stubborn regions such as hips, abdomen, thighs, and buttocks. Different liposuction techniques are available for application, but the choice depends on the surgeon’s convenience and your body type. 

    You will be given a dose of local or general anesthesia, considering the extent and depth of the surgery. Every healthcare professional recommends getting opinions and information from multiple doctors before making the final decision.

    1. What is The Eligibility for Liposuction?

    Liposuction is a life-changing procedure, but only some are ideal candidates to get one. Before opting for a liposuction procedure, your doctor will decide whether you can go under the knife. 

    In most cases, individuals with a moderate body type with fat deposits in certain areas that are difficult to shed off through diet and exercise are ideal candidates for liposuction. You can confirm with the surgeon regarding the necessary lab tests that determine whether you are a perfect candidate or not. 

    Morbidly obese people with poor overall health, including but not limited to diabetes, heart issues, and autoimmune disorders, may not be the most favored candidates. Before booking a session or paying in advance, discuss your eligibility for the procedure with your doctor. You can request them for a complete body assessment along with a list of things you can change to be preferred for the session. 

    Most doctors often delay or refuse to perform the procedure if the candidate has any realistic expectations regarding the results. Additionally, eligibility also depends on the stability of your mental health. 

    1. What Should Be The Expectation Regarding Realistic Results?

    Since you are spending a lot of money, it is natural to have certain expectations regarding quick results. Liposuction costs vary in different areas, based on the type of clinic and number of procedures. Despite being a quick alternative, liposuction takes some time to show fat reduction and improved body shape, making it appear smoother and more proportionate. 

    You may experience swelling and bloating in the first few days, a normal reaction to human tissues getting in contact with the cannula. A couple of weeks after the surgery, your clothes will fit better and more comfortably in regions that once looked bulgy and uncomfy. 

    The pre-surgery session with a qualified healthcare professional will evaluate your body and its unique characteristics to inform you about what to expect. 

    1. How to Prepare?

    Patients are given detailed instructions before the session with the surgeon. Since you are undergoing a major operation, ask a loved one to tag along and drive you to the center. They can also assist you in post-op care until you are ready to go home. 

    Also, pack extra clothing, essential toiletries, and general care items you might need at the hospital. Typically, patients are instructed to fast for a couple of hours before the procedure. Also, refrain from alcohol and junk food. You can request the medical staff to provide you with a personalized meal plan. 

    1. Is The Surgeon Registered?

    Liposuction surgeons should be registered and licensed to practice medicine. The regulatory body allows lipo specialists to perform the procedure while adhering to the safety laws set by the board. You have the right to request your liposuction surgeon’s registration details and credentials. 

    Simply looking at the qualifications is not enough. You need to look for genuine reviews and testimonials from people who have had the procedure before. A smart way to decide this is by shortlisting doctors through private sources. 

    1. What Are The Risks and Complications?

    Liposuction, despite being a safe practice, sometimes has some complications. Sometimes, side effects such as bleeding, infection, numbness, and fluid accumulation may occur. Skin pigmentation, irregular contours, and blood clots can cause intense discomfort and permanent damage in more complicated cases. You can minimize any complications by maintaining open communication with the healthcare provider. Ask them how to eradicate the risks and counter the challenges during and after the surgery. 

    1. What is The Recovery and Healing Process?

    Liposuction is a major operation in which you must undergo a specific dose of anesthesia and cuts. The average recovery time for liposuction may vary from six weeks to six months, depending on the complexity of the procedure and your health. 

    It is natural to experience discomfort, swelling, and bruising in the treated areas. You can confirm from the doctor whether they prefer pain medications or compression garments to minimize discomfort. 

    After a couple of months, your body will heal and adapt to the change, leaving you looking slim. Before the surgery, discuss the post-op instructions carefully and attend all scheduled visits to heal fully. It is important to maintain a healthy and active lifestyle to recover optimally.


    Liposuction is a life-changing procedure that helps you get in shape and start a healthier lifestyle. It is worth noting that you need to have a session with your potential surgeon before the main procedure to eradicate all concerns. Ask them about the complete procedure along with the practices the surgeon plans to involve. Moreover, you can request the necessary test list confirming your eligibility for liposuction. 

    Remember to focus on a healthy lifestyle and consult your doctor regarding a suitable diet plan.