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7 Signs Your Teen Might Need Braces

    Do you have a teen at home who you’re concerned might be showing signs that they need braces? Relief for crooked teeth isn’t just for grown-ups anymore.

    Teens are going through so much emotionally, mentally, and physically that it can be tough to tell if they need an orthodontist, especially if they’re not speaking up. Not seeking the help they need can lead to problems that are much harder and more costly to fix.

    Discover in this article some of the most common signs that your child needs braces to get some relief quickly before it’s too late.

    1. Trouble Chewing or Biting

    There are a few tell-tale signs that your teen might need braces, even if they don’t appear to have any immediately noticeable problems. For example, if your teen is having trouble chewing or biting, this could be a sign that their teeth are misaligned and in need of corrective measures.

    If your teen is constantly getting food stuck in their teeth, this is another sign that their bite may be off, and braces could help to rectify the situation. If you notice any of these issues, it’s best to consult with an orthodontist to see if braces are right for your teen. You may visit Premier Orthodontics for this.

    2. Biting His Cheek or Parts of His Mouth When Eating and Talking

    One other sign that your teen might need to get braces is if he or she is biting his cheeks or parts of his mouth when he eats or talks. One of the most common causes of this is the misalignment of the teeth.

    When the teeth are not aligned properly, they can rub against the cheek, causing irritation and eventually leading to biting. In some cases, it can be caused by teeth grinding habits. This can happen during the day or at night when sleeping, and it can worsen the misalignment of the teeth and cause further irritation.

    If you think your teens may be grinding their teeth, be sure to talk to your orthodontist about it to confirm if they need to get braces.

    3. Missing Teeth

    If your teen is missing teeth, they will likely need braces to avoid more orthodontic problems. One of the most common problems is the increased risk for gum disease. When teeth are missing, the gums can become irritated and inflamed, which can lead to infection.

    Additionally, missing teeth can cause problems with eating and speaking. Chewing can be difficult and painful, and words can be difficult to pronounce. Missing teeth can also cause the face to look sunken in, which can affect a person’s self-esteem.

    4. Large Gaps Between His Teeth

    Your teen might need to get braces if he has large gaps between his teeth. The gaps can be caused by several things, including genetics, thumb sucking, or teeth that are too big for the mouth. If the gaps are causing your teen embarrassment or impacting his self-esteem, braces may be the best option.

    5. Jaw Problems Like Clicking, Popping, or Shifting

    There are several signs that your teen might need braces concerning jaw problems like temporomandibular joint (TMJ). Jaw pain, clicking or popping sounds when they move their jaw, and difficulty chewing or pain while chewing are all indications that there may be an issue with their teeth.

    There are a few things you can do to temporarily ease the pain of teeth problems causing TMJ. Over-the-counter pain relievers can help, as can ice packs applied to the tender area for short periods. Try eating soft foods for a few days, and avoid chewing gum or eating hard candy.

    If pain is severe, it is best to consult with the nearest orthodontist’s office because applying braces may be the best solution.

    6. Teeth Looking Overcrowded

    Your teen’s teeth may look overcrowded for many reasons. Perhaps their jaw is too small for their teeth, or they may have inherited their parents’ teeth. Overcrowding can also be caused by thumb sucking or pacifier use.

    If your teen’s teeth are overcrowded, they may be at risk for tooth decay and gum disease. Braces can help correct overcrowding and improve your teen’s oral health.

    7. Overbite or Underbite

    Your teen might need to have braces if they have an overbite or underbite. An overbite is when the top teeth bite over the bottom teeth, while an underbite is when the bottom teeth bite in front of the top teeth. If your teen has either of these, it can cause problems with chewing and speaking.

    One of the problems that can occur with an overbite is that the teeth can become crowded. The teeth can become misshapen and this can make it difficult to clean them properly. This can lead to a build-up of plaque and tartar which can cause gum disease.

    In severe cases, the teeth can become loose and fall out. Another problem that can occur is that the jaw can become misaligned and this can lead to pain and discomfort. Treatment for an overbite can vary depending on the severity of the problem.

    In mild cases, the teeth can be realigned with the help of braces but in more severe cases, surgery may be required to correct the problem.

    When an underbite problem is present, the lower jaw protrudes out too much, which results in the top teeth being pushed too far forward. This creates a gap between the two sets of teeth which can lead to a lot of problems.

    The first problem is that it makes it difficult to clean the teeth properly. Food and plaque can get trapped in this space and lead to cavities. Additionally, this can also cause the teeth to become misaligned and crowded.

    In extreme cases, the misalignment can cause the teeth to wear down and eventually break.

    Checking if Your Teen Might Need Braces

    If your teen is experiencing any of the signs mentioned in this article, it might be time to consider braces. Braces can improve your teen’s smile and overall oral health. Schedule a consultation with an orthodontist to discuss your teen’s treatment options.

    If you think this article has helped you identify when your teen might need braces, check out our other blogs!