In 2019, TikTok exploded to become the fastest growing social media platform with more new users than Instagram and Facebook. If you are a brand or an aspiring influencer and want to grow your account with genuine followers, here are some ways in which you can increase your following and get your account noticed in 2020.
Keep It Authentic
Gen Z make up 24% of TikTok’s entire user base have been switching to the app in droves in search of authenticity. Instagram users have become fatigued with the curated and overedited images found on Instagram and are looking for a platform that truly represents their needs and interests.
TikTok has found that niche and provides users with a safe space where they can be themselves and find like minded people. Keep this in mind when you are developing your content, whilst you want to be included in a particular community or market, you need to make sure that you are remaining true to your values. Overworked and contrived videos don’t have a place on TikTok, and you won’t be forgiven by your target community for producing them.
Health Subcultures and Communities
TikTok is built on subcultures and communities, and that includes health. We haven’t seen the development of subcultures like this since the mid 2000’s with the upsurge of myspace. Whilst the platform has changed the basic guiding principle remains the same, in order to become part of a community you need to reflect their values and engage with them on the same level that they engage with one another. Before you begin imposing your account on them, make sure that you understand the nuances behind the community, what they are interested in, how they engage and what content they find interesting. Blanket mass marketing no longer applies on TikTok, so you need to consider what type of messages you are putting across.
As aforementioned, users are over saturated with content that isn’t reflective of their day to day lives, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t put effort into your content. Quality content and contrived content are two different things, so make sure that you put the same level of effort into it as you would any other post. You don’t need to use complex platforms to edit your videos, TikTok have awesome in-house features that can help you edit, adjust and filter your content to make it look like quality. The real battle is making sure that the content you are editing is not only reflective of the community you are wanting to engage with but is authentic, true to your values and the values expressed by the wider community.
You are able to draw comparisons between TikTok and twitter when you assess how fast paced the platform is, you are left with very limited time to make an impression on both before your content is lost to the void if you failed to generate a meaningful impact. Due to this fast paced nature, you can be forgiven for multiple uploads on a day, but don’t lessen on the quality over quantity, it can be a difficult balance to strike, but you want to make sure you are seen as an active user as this will help you build authority and grow your account.
Final Thoughts
Instagram engagement has become harder with the closure of certain services.
There are a lot of nuances underpinning the communities and subcultures that inhabit TikTok and previously used marketing strategies no longer apply here. If you want to effectively grow your following in 2020, you need to put the values of your targeted community at the forefront of everything you do so you can watch your account develop and grow.