Acupuncture is a conventional Chinese treatment that helps with symptoms, including pain and other health issues. There are several “acupoints” on the patient’s skin where an acupuncturist inserts extremely fine steel needles. The needles restore the body’s vitality and cause the body to release organic compounds that help fight the ailment or symptom. Scientific studies support its efficacy for some diseases.
What is the principle behind acupuncture?
At-home holistic therapies such as acupuncture have existed for years to treat many health issues. Qi is used in Chinese medicine to describe the body’s energy. Practitioners of Chinese medicine assert that qi disturbances cause energy imbalances in the body that result in sickness.
Acupoints are points on the body where acupuncture needles are used to restore qi equilibrium. The body has hundreds of acupoints along 14 major meridians, often known as energy pathways. The needles activate the body’s natural processes to:
- React to a disease or symptom.
- Restore the body’s homeostasis.
- Release organic substances, including endorphins, the body’s natural painkillers, and neurotransmitters, substances that regulate nerve impulses.
Acupuncture comes in a variety of forms.
The sole focus of acupuncturists who adhere to traditional/antiquated Chinese beliefs is on controlling the body’s qi (pronounced “chee”) or energy flow. Other practitioners use Western medicine, stimulating the body’s systems using needles. A lot of acupuncturists combine the two methods.
Myofascial pain may also be treatable with acupuncture, and muscles and their connective tissue are involved. Tight trigger points and painful knots frequently originate in stressed, strained, or wounded muscles.
One muscle’s trigger point may cause discomfort in another part of the body (referred to as pain). Trigger point therapy is a technique acupuncturists employ to reduce myofascial pain, relieve discomfort, and stimulate specific bodily points.
What ailments are treatable with acupuncture?
Numerous different health problems are treatable with acupuncture. It is typically used to treat chronic (long-lasting) pain, including:
- Arthritis.
- Pain in the neck, the back, or the muscles
- Migraines as well as headaches.
- Knee discomfort.
- Period pains.
- Injuries sustained in sports.
The following are other conditions that may benefit from acupuncture:
- The adverse effects of cancer treatment.
- Various nerve discomforts, including face pain.
- Issues with the immune system.
- Infertility.
- Irritable bowel syndrome.
- Hot flashes that come with menopause.
- An uncomfortable pregnancy.
- Overuse syndrome and repetitive strain injuries.
What transpires throughout an acupuncture session?
An acupuncturist will discuss your ailment with you during the initial appointment. Next, the medical professional will examine your body to find any regions that might respond to acupuncture. The acupuncturist will insert thin needles into several bodily sites on your skin at different depths. Then you must spend a few minutes or up to 20 minutes with the needles in place.
How does the procedure of acupuncture feel?
Each needle may cause a slight sting to occur. When compared to getting a shot or having blood drawn, it hurts less. Acupuncture needles are significantly thinner and solid rather than hollow. They can cause muscle sensations like tingling or dull soreness. Usually, these feelings indicate that the medication is having an effect. You should only receive acupuncture from a qualified professional.