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A Better and Healthy Skin That You Can Achieve at Home: Dos and Don’ts

    Having supple, healthy-looking skin is a goal that many people strive to accomplish. They invest a lot of money in branded skincare products and are always looking for the next best thing.

    When it comes to skincare, there’s more to consider than your product brands. Here are some of the crucial dos and don’ts to keep in mind when trying to get better skin at home.

    Do: Drink More Water

    Drinking enough water is the easiest, most important thing you can do to improve the quality of your skin. Drinking water nourishes your cells and enhances regeneration within the body. It helps flush toxins from your system and improves skin elasticity from your head to your toes.

    Strive to achieve the minimum recommended daily amount of water each day, which is a mere eight glasses (64 fluid ounces). To be clear, water and not coffee, soda, or juice. If the flavor of water is a problem for you, consider infusing your water with fruit or mint.

    Don’t: Go Outside Without Sun Protection

    The sun is one of the leading causes of skin damage and premature aging. As a result, you should avoid going outside without proper coverage. If your makeup doesn’t have an SPF, wear a face-friendly sunscreen under your foundation. Wear a hat or scarf to create shade and keep your skin out of the sun’s harmful rays.

    It’s also important to be mindful of indoor sun protection. If you sit near a window or frequently drive in the summer months, you can still be affected through the glass. Put on a layer of sunscreen to protect your skin. 

    Do: Supplement Your Diet As Needed

    There are plenty of vitamins and nutrients that help support healthy skin and cellular regeneration. Unfortunately, it can be hard to get enough of these nutrients in our modern diets. Using supplementation can fill the gaps.

    For healthy, supple-looking skin at home, consider adding a collagen food supplement to your diet. Vitamins A, C, and E also play supporting roles in overall skin health. While these vitamins are best consumed within your diet for maximum absorption, using a high-quality supplement can help give you a boost. 

    Don’t: Sleep With Makeup On

    Taking off your makeup at the end of the day can feel like a full-time gig. However, it’s essential to give your skin a chance to breathe. Many people fall into a vicious cycle of wearing makeup and blocking their pores, which leads to feeling like they need to wear more makeup.

    Use a gentle cleanser, such as micellar water, to remove your makeup at the end of the day. Avoid abrasive scrubbing, and be sure to get any oily residue off your face.

    Do: Follow a Skincare Routine

    One of the challenges with cleaning your face each day is that it strips the natural oils. As a result, your skin might overproduce oil and cause blemishes. Following a simple skincare routine can help prevent this issue.

    Keep it simple with daily cleansing, toning, and oil-free moisturizing. Use a light exfoliant once a week to remove dead skin cells and promote new cellular growth. You don’t need 20 bottles of product for a skincare routine— invest in a few high-quality skincare products, and you’ll see results.

    Don’t: Overdo it on Inflammatory Foods

    The way your skin, hair, and nails present themselves often indicate what’s going on inside your body. If you’re prone to acne and discoloration, take a look at what inflammatory foods could be exacerbating the issue.

    While many people have no problem with dairy, some people’s skin reacts to a high-dairy diet. The same applies to refined sugars and highly-processed foods. Start replacing these foods with minimally processed foods, and your skin will change.