There is a lot of confusion regarding alcohol, addiction, and Christian beliefs. Sometimes people interpret stories of the Bible and Christian beliefs to allow them to pass judgment on others when they do not like their behavior. However, this may cause alienation and is not based on the teachings of Jesus, which is the foundation of Christianity.
Here are three points to consider about alcohol, addiction, and Christian ethics.
Alcohol is not evil.
While being drunk is frowned upon, drinking alcohol is not throughout the bible. Wine is commonly consumed through the old and new testament. Jesus even turned water into wine to help a wedding celebration to continue. When looking at the textual evidence, it would be difficult to argue for alcohol being evil based on the bible. Many ancient texts comprise the Christian bible, so it is essential to do careful research when determining beliefs, but the role of alcohol is apparent. There are stories throughout the bible of bad things that happened due to someone’s drinking, and many have taken those stories to mean that alcohol is bad. Individuals may choose not to drink based on that interpretation.
Addiction is a disease.
Addiction is a recognized disease and is not a sin. Whether it is alcohol or drugs, when someone doesn’t develop healthy coping skills in childhood, they are more susceptible to developing an addiction as a means of coping with their emotions or shortcomings. When an addiction develops, it changes parts of their brain, making them crave the substance they are using. Being addicted to drugs or alcohol often leads individuals into behaviors and activities that are sinful and illegal, but the addiction itself is not a sin.
Those struggling with addiction can go to places like the Dana Point rehab campus which offers detox and addiction treatment. They are open to those with a dual diagnosis. They provide a comfortable environment with ocean views, counseling, and multiple therapy options. The treatment providers will work with each individual to develop a treatment plan that will work for them. The goal is peace of mind and a start on the road to success in long-term recovery.
God is love.
Christian ethics are based on the fact that God is love. Within Christian beliefs, God is the father who sent his only son. His son, Jesus, taught people to love each other, and he led by example. Whether you read the Anunnaki bible, NIV, King James, or the Common English Bible, the message throughout Jesus’ ministry is one of love. So when discussing or dealing with alcohol and addiction from the perspective of Christian ethics, the goal is to show love and compassion the way Jesus would. Withholding judgment and helping people who need help align with Christian ethics.
If someone discloses a problem with addiction, helping them get the help and resources they need is critical. Letting them know they are still loved and cared for will help reduce the fear and stigma attached to addiction. It will also help them start their road to recovery as self-healing and forgiveness are essential aspects.
Professionals like those at Dana Point can answer questions about addiction. They employ many counselors and therapists who work extensively with individuals struggling with addiction. They can help answer questions about the disease and what can be expected beyond treatment. While there are many benefits to residential treatment, the individual must prepare for life beyond treatment. Additionally, addiction is a family disease, so it is best for everyone impacted to seek help through professional counselors or a support group specifically for those dealing with addiction.