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Adopting Healthy Exercise and Eating Habits To Help You Feel Your Best

    How you feel, both mentally and physically, can strongly impact the quality of your day-to-day life. For example, if you lack energy and your brain feels foggy, it can be a struggle to meet your work and family obligations. Moreover, not feeling your best takes a toll on how much you enjoy life.

    Because your physical health and mental well-being are critical to your quality of life, you should be deliberate about taking care of yourself. So, consider adopting healthy exercise and eating habits to optimize your health and feel your best.

    Commit To an Exercise Routine

    If you feel lethargic by the end of the day, you may be surprised to learn that exercising consistently might be your solution. When you make an effort to move with enough intensity to elevate your heart rate, you trigger the release of feel-good hormones, boost your oxygen-saturation levels, and increase your blood circulation. In turn, your body and mind reap the rewards.

    Find an activity you enjoy because this will make it easier for you to be consistent. Also, for best results, try to work out at least five days per week for around 30 minutes each time.

    Adopt Healthy Eating Habits

    What you eat and drink can significantly impact how you feel. You boost both your physical and mental health by fueling your body with lean proteins, healthy fats, complex carbohydrates, and plenty of fruits and vegetables.

    Water is also important for your health. To ensure you stay hydrated, keep a reusable water bottle nearby. Not only does this make it convenient to stay hydrated, but it also provides you with a visual reminder to drink.

    On the other hand, if you indulge in sugary drinks and processed foods that are high in sodium, sugar, or unhealthy fats, your health suffers, your energy plummets, and you may find it difficult to focus. These empty calories are also less likely to leave you feeling satiated, so you end up overeating and gaining unwanted pounds.

    While what you eat is important, so is when you eat. For example, you should always eat breakfast shortly after waking up. As Dr. Jason Campbell explains, “You see, when you skip breakfast, you’re more likely to indulge later in the day. This is because your body starts to run out of energy and begins to crave sugary or fatty foods.

    Similarly, it’s best to eat many small-sized meals throughout the day rather than one or two large ones. The frequent meals stabilize your blood sugar and ensure your energy level remains steady throughout the day. Also, by reducing your risk of hunger, you are less inclined to reach for unhealthy options.

    Finally, avoid eating late in the day. Eating too close to bedtime can interfere with good sleep, cause acid reflux, and result in unwanted fat storage. So, for optimal health and quality rest, avoid eating within three hours of bedtime.

    Your health plays a primary role in the quality of your life. When you don’t feel your best, the joys and pleasures of everyday life are reduced. By adopting a consistent exercise routine and fueling your body with healthy foods and plenty of water, you can optimize your health and enjoy each day more fully.