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Advantages Of Bariatric Surgery – Explained by Dr. Harsh Sheth

    A very dangerous disease has been born as a result of modern fast food and an unhealthy lifestyle, and it is slowly spreading around the world. Extreme obesity is the disorder in question. Many life-threatening illnesses, such as heart attack, high blood pressure, diabetes, and other cardiovascular diseases, have their origins in extreme obesity. 

    “Bariatric surgery is one solution that can be used to treat such a serious disease. This surgical procedure affects the digestive tract, which reduces the patient’s appetite and, in certain cases, the body’s capacity to consume nutrients, resulting in weight loss and the patient’s recovery from extreme obesity.”- Says Dr. Harsh Sheth who is specialised in bariatric surgery or weight loss surgery in Mumbai.

    Bariatric Surgery’s Advantages
    According to ICMR-INDIAB study in 2015 more than 135milliom people in India are affected by obesity, and a major chunk of it is concentrated in major cities like Mumbai, Delhi etc.

    The aim of weight loss surgery, such as bariatric surgery, is to eliminate excess fat in the body, which attracts a variety of life-threatening diseases. The body also becomes more nimble and flexible as it loses weight. The average standard of living rises.

    However the success of the surgery will also depend on the expertise of your surgeon. Easy availability of experienced bariatric surgeons makes Mumbai one of the best places for bariatric surgery in India. The advantages of bariatric surgery are listed below. 

    Helps in Long-Term Weight Loss 

    Bariatric surgery is a long-term weight loss option for patients who have tried all other procedures and diets but have not been able to lose weight, or who have lost weight in the short term but gained it back in the long term. Weight loss is a natural result of bariatric surgery because it leaves you physically unable to eat more. 

    Longevity Enhancement 

    Obese people have a shorter life expectancy than non-obese people, according to research. This is due to the increased risk of cardiovascular disease. As a result of the weight loss caused by bariatric surgery, the patient’s lifespan improves. According to one study, 89 percent of patients who underwent surgery had a longer lifespan than those who did not. 

    Coexisting Diseases Improvement/Resolution 

    Bariatric surgery results in significant weight loss and can boost or even cure obesity-related diseases. Sleep apnea, hypertension, asthma, arthritis, cholesterol defects, gastroesophageal reflux disease, fatty liver disease, venous stasis, urinary stress incontinence, pseudotumorcerebri, are among them. Type 2 diabetes mellitus can also be improved and remitted after bariatric surgery. Diabetes was once thought to be a chronic, incurable condition. Weight reduction surgery, such as bariatric surgery, has been shown in research to avoid and, in some cases, minimize diabetes in patients, with many not having insulin injections for up to three years after surgery. 

    Remission from type 2 diabetes for a long time 

    According to a new study, bariatric surgery provides long-term remission for difficult-to-control type 2 diabetes. The findings revealed that the surgery is particularly successful for obese patients with type 2 diabetes, with almost all patients remaining insulin-free for at least three years after the procedure. 

    Improved cardiovascular health

    Obesity’s most serious problem is vein blockage caused by cholesterol buildup, which narrows the direction of blood flow and puts pressure on the heart, potentially leading to heart disease. Following bariatric surgery, blood pressure and cholesterol levels usually return to normal or near-normal levels, lowering risk and improving overall health. 

    Depression is alleviated

    Many obese people are depressed as a result of their poor body image and subsequent bullying at school, college, or work. They are also unable to engage in a variety of sports that they would otherwise enjoy, such as hiking, rock climbing, swimming, and so on, due to their excessive weight. As a result, they become much more socially withdrawn, which leads to depression. Losing weight improves one’s self confidence as well as one’s physical and mental health. 

    Eliminate obstructive sleep apnea

    Extreme obesity causes sleep apnea, which is a severe respiratory issue. A fat accumulation around the upper airway has developed as a result of excessive obesity, obstructing breathing. When the patient loses weight after bariatric surgery, the fat in the upper airway shrinks, preventing obstructive sleep apnea and allowing the patient to avoid using a CPAP machine at night. 

    Joint pain relief

    Obese patients’ excessive body weights place undue strain on their joints, which must work under such massive weights. The joints produce too much pressure as a result of working in this manner, resulting in joint pain. As the patient loses weight after bariatric surgery, the joints begin to function normally as a result of the reduced weight, reducing joint pain. 

    Enhance fertility 

    Weight loss has also been linked to fertility, with research indicating that weight loss surgery, such as bariatric surgery, may increase fertility during the childbearing years. 

    Other medical problems will be alleviated

    Some conditions that can be helped by bariatric surgery include metabolic syndrome, gallbladder disease, pregnancy complications, and others.