The problem of alcoholism is rampant. For most alcohol addicts, alcohol rehab Essex is the only chance to return to a healthy existence. Comprehensive multi-stage treatment can guarantee all patients their complete recovery in a short time. The sooner rehab begins the more chances you have to get rid of alcohol addiction forever.
Comprehensive Approach to Problem Solving
At Serenity https://www.rehabclinic.org.uk/locations/drug-alcohol-rehab-clinic-glasgow/, the level of rehab medicine reaches the highest levels. For many years, the specialists of this rehab center have been carrying out effective rehabilitation of alcohol addicts; psychotherapeutic rehab, innovative and traditional recovery techniques are used.
In each case, rehab is carried out according to an individual plan using complex progressive techniques. The whole process takes place under the supervision of the first-class specialists. The clinic employs only experienced doctors of various directions of medicine:
- The best therapists;
- Accredited nurses;
- Qualified psychiatrists and clinical psychologists;
- Psychotherapists;
- Experts in narcology;
- Sociologists;
- Rehabilitation therapists;
- Physiotherapists;
- and other narrow specialists.
Rehabilitation Methods
Serenity clinic specialists practice advanced methods in the treatment of alcoholism. An integrated approach to solving the problem guarantees its complete elimination.
Rehabilitation of alcohol addicts includes several stages:
- cleansing the body of alcoholic toxins with medication;
- collective sessions, psychologist’s work with patients;
- activities and entertainment – walks, sports, dancing, painting, yoga, massages, meditation, movie time, aromatherapy, and a variety of training.
Thanks to this, patients suffering from alcohol addiction understand the problem of their situation, and get irresistible desire to start living anew. They go through a full course of socialization, learn useful hobbies and discover completely unexpected talents in themselves.
The Serenity recovery program is aimed at correcting the identified disorders, restoring all vital functions of the body – physiological and psycho-emotional spheres, eliminating the root cause of the disease, and teaching a person effective ways to maintain the acquired mental balance.