While most dental issues respond to conservative methods, sometimes oral surgery can be essential. When considering this option for your dental needs, you will do well to partner with a skillful provider for the best outcomes. If you seek an expert oral surgeon in Brooklyn, contact the experts of Brooklyn City Dental for a practical, customized treatment solution.
What is oral surgery?
Oral surgery refers to multiple outpatient procedures aiming to address your gums, teeth, or jaw problems. Many forms of oral surgery exist to protect your smile and oral health.
Your team at Brooklyn City Dental boasts years of experience performing oral surgery. To deliver a comfortable procedure, they provide numerous anesthetics alongside special tools and innovative treatment techniques.
Types of Oral Surgery
At Brooklyn City Dental, patients can access an array of oral surgery procedures, including:
· Extractions
An extraction aims to remove a severely damaged or decaying permanent tooth. Your specialist may also recommend extractions if you seek to get dentures or dental implants or when planning to undergo orthodontic treatment. There are various simple methods for surgical extractions. Your ideal type depends on the condition and position of your affected tooth or teeth.
· Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Oral and maxillofacial surgery is handy in treating more complex issues such as a broken or mispositioned jaw. Other procedures within this category include nerve repositioning, bone grafts, and dental alveolar surgery.
· Prosthodontics
Prosthodontics refers to a kind of oral surgery that prepares one or more teeth to receive a dental restoration like a bridge or crown. During prosthodontic treatment, your surgeon carefully shaves enamel from the top and sides of your target tooth, consequently letting the restoration fit perfectly.
· Periodontal Surgery
Mild cases of gum disease usually respond to conservative methods like scaling and root planing or antibiotic therapy. If your infection is persistent or threatens your teeth’s integrity, your provider might recommend periodontal surgery, such as pocket reduction or tissue graft.
How should I prepare for oral surgery?
Before suggesting oral surgery, the dentist at Brooklyn City Dental conducts an oral exam, reviewing your dental health history.
Upon consultation, you should notify them about any prescription medications or vitamins that you take regularly. Moreover, alert them if you have any underlying health complications such as high blood pressure or diabetes. These conditions must remain stable before receiving treatment.
In a later procedure, the team obtains a series of oral X-rays to examine your jaw and teeth. With these images, your providers develop a surgical treatment plan that aligns with your desires.
What is recovery like after oral surgery
Following your oral surgery, your Brooklyn City Dental practitioner prescribes antibiotics and pain medication and sends you home with a complete list of recovery instructions. For the first two days, get plenty of rest and eat soft foods.
For speedier recovery, take each medication as prescribed and attend your follow-up consultations. Although your recovery period is dependent on your type of surgery, most people resume their work and daily activities within days or a week.
Bottom line
Are you contemplating oral surgery? If so, contact Brooklyn City Dental to determine your eligibility. Call the offices to talk to a provider or schedule your appointment online.