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Breast Augmentation vs. Breast Lift Surgery – The procedures explained

    Shapely breasts of the right size and shape are what every woman craves for, but unfortunately, only a few are naturally gifted with a shapely body. Many women are unhappy with their breasts, which may not be of the size and shape they desire.  To get back the shape, size, and tightness of breasts, plastic surgeons recommend either breast augmentation or breast lift surgery or both, depending on what the patient wants to achieve. Only a board-certified plastic surgeon who specializes in breast surgery is the right professional to undertake the surgery.

    Breast augmentation and breast upliftment may sound quite similar procedures because both transform the breasts but are different because these help to achieve different objectives. Breast augmentation helps to increase the breast volume and suits those who want larger breasts, while the breast-lifting procedure is about tightening the breasts that restore the breast shape for those who suffer from drooping ones.  

    What is breast augmentation?

    Breast augmentation is a surgical procedure performed by inserting implants inside the breast to enlarge the size and enhance the volume. Also, known as mammaplasty, it is a highly popular procedure across the world for women who prefer to acquire a nice body with prominent cleavage.

    The main considerations when performing breast augmentation are implant shape/size, placement of the incision, type of implant, and the related risks.

    Implant and incision placement – Inframammary, trans-axillary, and periareolar, the three most common incisions. When the incision is under the fold of the breast, it is known as Inframammary, trans-axillary means incision in the armpit, and when the incision is around the nipple, it is known as periareolar. Each incision technique has its advantages and disadvantage. Still, inframammary is most popular because it provides optimal access to the breast tissues, completely conceals the scarring, and comes with the least complications.

    Implant shape and size – The surgeon will consider your goals and lifestyle, body form, natural foundation, and chest wall shape to ascertain the shape and size that would suit you, look the best, and, above all, make you happy. The size of the breast should never overwhelm the chest regarding the diameter, width, and appearance.

    Implant types – Silicone and saline implants are the two types of implants used for breast augmentation, with the former giving a more natural feeling and good for those with less breast tissue. Saline implants suit those with ample breast tissue, and it retains the feel of the breasts. Both implants are FDA approved and last for 10—15 years. 

    What is breast upliftment?

    Breast ptosis or drooping mostly happens due to aging, after bearing children and fluctuating weight, breast uplift helps correct drooping by reshaping the breasts volumetrically.  Performing a pencil test will help to determine if you are a candidate for the procedure. Place a pencil under the breast fold as high as you can, and if the pencil remains in place, it is a sign of breast drooping.

    Periareolar uplift, inverted T-incisions, and vertical breast reduction are the three types of breast lift procedures.