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Calisthenics 101: Different Types Of Bodyweight Exercises

    Calisthenics is your sure-shot way to long-term fitness. When you start incorporating these simple bodyweight exercises, you will slowly witness an increase in your core body strength, balance, and flexibility. So, in this guide, we have covered the different types of calisthenics exercises that help in improving your overall health. 

    Types Of Calisthenics Exercises

    The below-mentioned types of exercises help provide ample resistance to increase your overall strength, endurance, and flexibility levels. Once you get to know them, you can incorporate them into your calisthenics program.

    1. Pushing Exercises

    The pushing exercise focuses on muscles in the body that are primarily responsible for the pushing moment. The exercises leverage your body weight to build overall upper body strength, elevate the endurance level, and improve the posture of your body.

    These movements target the muscles of the shoulders, chest, and triceps. Some of the common variations of the pushing exercises are dips and push-ups. You can start with beginner-friendly exercises to amp up your body strength and master the technique properly. You can try advanced variations of the exercises to add more resistance as you progress further.

    1. Core Exercises

    If you are suffering from lower back pain, then involving the core calisthenics exercise in your workout regime will help you strengthen your back muscles and tackle the pain. The movements involved in the core exercise focus on the lower back, obliques, and core muscles. By focusing on these muscles, these exercises allow you to improve the overall stability and balance of your body.

    Calisthenics enthusiasts often engage their core through exercises like leg raises, planks, L-sits, and dragon flags. A solid core is essential to progress further in calisthenics, so learn all the forms correctly and keep on increasing the reps to take your strength to the next level.

    1. Pulling Exercises

    Pulling exercises are one of the fundamental components of calisthenics, which is a bodyweight-based fitness discipline. In simple words, it uses your body weight to grow your overall body strength. The pulling exercises mainly target the muscles of the back, biceps, and shoulders. 

    Some of the top examples of pulling exercises are pull-ups, chin-ups, and body rows. They develop upper body strength, improve grip, and enhance posture. Moreover, the pulling movements involved in these exercises engage the core, promoting overall stability and balance.

    1. Plyometric Exercises

    Plyometric exercises involve dynamic and explosive movements to enhance the power, agility, and athleticism of your body. Some of the variations that fall under plyometric exercises are box jumps, burpees, and clap push-ups. They involve rapid muscle lengthening and contraction.

    Professional athletes involve these exercises in their routines to train the nervous system to generate force rapidly, which further improves speed and explosiveness. These exercises can increase the resistance and difficulty level of your regular exercises. Let us understand this with the help of an example. A plyometric push-up will challenge the chest and shoulders by adding an explosive push-off movement from the ground.

    Start Calisthenics Today!

    Since you are well-versed in all the Calisthenics exercises, it is time to look for the best Calisthenics program that caters to your needs.

    Calisthenics Worldwide offers a bunch of valuable Calisthenics programs that help in approaching the workout with a planned course of action. The best part is that they have proper workout plans according to your current fitness levels and goals.