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Common Causes of Jaw Pain and What to Do About It

    Unfortunately, a significant number of people around the world suffer from jaw pain. Jaw pain can radiate to other areas of the face and even to the shoulder and neck, causing chronic pain and other difficulties, such as difficulties talking or chewing. Other serious concerns include sinus infections, blocked nerves and blood vessels, toothaches and dental health issues. If you have jaw pain, it is important to know why it is occurring.

    Temporomandibular Joint Issues

    The temporomandibular joints (TMJ) are the joints between the jawbone and the skull. These joints are located on either side of your head just in front of your ears, and they help you open and close your mouth.

    TMJ issues or disorders are one of the most common causes of jaw pain. Some of the causes of these disorders include certain conditions like arthritis, clenching or grinding of the teeth, inflammation around the jaw and jaw injuries. Although not a primary cause, stress can worsen the pain caused by TMJ issues.

    Apart from jaw pain, TMJ issues can also cause constant headaches, dizziness, vision issues, a hard time chewing, jaw locking and clicking sounds when you open or close the mouth.

    A doctor will treat you with ibuprofen or acetaminophen for the pain. If the issues are caused by grinding the teeth, you will need to see a dentist who will give you the right mouth guard to stop the grinding.

    Crooked Teeth

    Crooked or misaligned teeth are very common in both adults and children. Many people are self-conscious about how their teeth look, and this is especially true in those who have misaligned teeth. Even if you do not want to get your teeth aligned, you should if they are causing issues.

    Misaligned teeth are a primary cause of jaw pain, and this is something you should take seriously. Misaligned teeth cause overcrowding in the mouth which can lead to damage to other teeth and make the pain worse.

    Additionally, teeth that are crooked in a forward direction put a lot of stress on the jaw and TMJ. This can lead to the myriad of issues we have discussed above.

    The best intervention for crooked teeth is aligners or braces. These slowly pull or push your teeth into position so that you end up with a beautiful smile when you are done. To ensure you get the right aligners, you should start with a consultation with a private dentist Droitwich who will examine you and then recommend a course of action.


    Just like any other bone in the body, the jawbone can also suffer trauma that can cause immense pain if not treated. Trauma to the jaw can cause swelling, pain, loose teeth, bruises and even fractures. 

    Your doctor will treat you with over-the-counter medication and recommend certain interventions like eating soft foods to ease pressure on the jaw. If you still have issues after this, you will need advanced intervention, with some doctors considering surgery in case of serious trauma.

    There are lots of causes of jaw pain, but the ones we have looked at are the most common among all of them. If you have joint pain, it is best to see a doctor instead of taking over-the-counter pain medication because the cause might be something you’re not able to treat or alleviate with such medications.