While we all want to live long, age comes with the risk of certain diseases like Type 2 diabetes and heart diseases. Unfortunately, the eye is not left out.
Common eye problems that occur with age include dry eyes, cataracts, presbyopia, and macular degeneration.
One way to prevent such eye problems from taking you by surprise or escalating is by scheduling annual eye checkups. This is even more important if you often experience blurred or double vision, swelling, or eye discomfort.
1. Presbyopia
Presbyopia is a common eye problem also known as long-sightedness. It’s a condition where it becomes difficult to see objects that are too close to your eyes.
Presbyopia develops slowly over time, and you may not notice anything until you approach your 40s.
People with presbyopia will usually hold a book at arm’s length to read it. If this is you, try getting reading glasses or bifocal lenses.
2. Floaters and flashers
Floaters refer to tiny spots you see in your field of vision, especially in well-lit rooms. They can be disturbing and usually indicate retinal detachment, especially when you also experience light flashes.
If it becomes unbearable, see your doctor immediately. Laser treatment and surgery to remove the vitreous are treatment options.
3. Dry eyes
You may not like to cry, probably because you consider it a sign of weakness. But tears (liquid in your eye) are beneficial for cleaning the eyes.
When the tear glands can no longer produce enough tears due to age, you may experience itching and discomfort in the eyes as well as a burning sensation. Dry eyes may even cause loss of vision.
Eye drops and humidifiers may help to compensate for the loss of tears. For severe cases, you may need surgery.
4. Cataract
Cataracts form slowly over the years, and cloudy areas develop in the lens in front of the eye.
This lens should be clear for you to see clearly. When the cloudy area forms, light can no longer pass through adequately, and vision becomes blurry.
Luckily, surgery from an experienced physician can correct this. Testimonials from Patients who have undergone cataract surgery at Lotus Vision show that the procedure can restore your vision completely. The process usually involves replacing the clouded natural lens with an artificial one.
5. Glaucoma
Glaucoma is an eye problem often resulting from pressure within the eye. Left untreated, it can lead to total blindness. The worst thing is that it doesn’t always show symptoms.
Age and diabetes are typical risk factors. So if you’re at risk, it’s worth seeing an eye doctor for a checkup even when you experience no symptoms. Eye infection, inflammatory disorders, and chemical injury may also cause glaucoma but much less often.
6. Macular degeneration
Age-related macular degeneration is characterized by the loss of cells in the macula, the part of the retina responsible for facial recognition and reading. The loss causes vision to become blurred, so identifying people and words becomes difficult. Using supplements may help, but severe cases would require laser or injection treatment.
The bottom line
Eye problems are prevalent among older adults, but they don’t usually occur suddenly. Therefore, it becomes crucial that you care for your eyes by going for checkups annually so that you can prevent or suppress their development.