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Common Sleep Disorders and Their Treatments

    Sleep disorders are medical conditions most people neglect. However, they can lead to serious medical conditions if left untreated. In addition, sleep disorders definitely might take a huge toll on your life, and they may seriously affect your daily productivity level. So, it is better to consult a doctor and get proper treatment as soon as you identify any symptoms of sleep disorders. If you are in or around Maryland, doctor Yash Mehndiratta MD, DABSM, will help you in the early diagnosis and effective treatment of sleep disorders.

    Let us now look into the most common sleep disorders and their treatments.

    3 Common Sleep Disorders and Effective Treatments

    1. Sleep apnea

    Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder characterized by irregular breathing patterns during sleeping. A person with sleep apnea might repetitively stop and then start breathing many times at night. Two of the main symptoms of sleep apnea include snoring and frequently getting up during sleeping. Excessive sleepiness during the daytime is also a characteristic of sleep apnea. Other symptoms include headaches in the mornings, frequent urination at night, and sore throat or dry mouth. CPAP therapy is the most effective treatment given to patients with sleep apnea.

    1. Narcolepsy and hypersomnia

    Hypersomnia is a condition of excessive sleepiness during the daytime. There are two types of hypersomnia; primary hypersomnia and secondary hypersomnia. Of these two, primary hypersomnia can be caused due to any existing medical condition such as narcolepsy.  Narcolepsy is actually a neurological disorder that is the primary cause of hypersomnia. The symptoms of hypersomnia caused by narcolepsy include hallucinations, cataplexy, excess sleepiness during the daytime, and sleep paralysis. For hypersomnia caused by narcolepsy, doctors usually prescribe medications for preventing sleep attacks during the daytime.

    1. Insomnia

    Insomnia is one of the most common sleep disorders. The condition in which people can’t fall asleep at night is called Insomnia. The major causes of Insomnia include difficulty in falling asleep during the night, sleepiness during daytime, depressed mood, and memory issues. The treatment of Insomnia includes behavioral and lifestyle changes. Sometimes doctors may also prescribe sleeping pills for a short time. It is mostly the last thing done by doctors if all other treatment techniques fail. CBTI-Therapy or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia is also very effective in curing Insomnia. You can identify the root cause for your Insomnia condition and overcome all the causes of Insomnia with CBT I-Therapy.