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Demystifying Myths About Dental Implants

    The internet age enables you to have large amounts of information at your fingertips. However, this information may, at times, be inaccurate, and on matters to do with dental implants, it is not different. Perio & Implant Center of Monterey Bay – Silicon Valley believes that there is more to implants than just a smile. A visit to your dental implant specialist in Sunnyvale, CA, will help you uncover the truth and set it apart from the myths.

     We now look at some of the common myths about dental implants.

    Am I too Young to Wear Dental Implants

    Most people think that dental implants are meant to be used by older people. However, dental implants can be an option for you if you are missing a tooth and are above the legal age, are healthy, and your jaw is free of abnormalities such as disease or missing bone. You can also ask your doctor to do the procedure if your tooth has sustained significant decaying physical damage.

    Getting Dental Implants is Scary and Painful

    You do not have to feel nervous about dental implants from the images of titanium screws tucked deep inside a jaw. The procedure of getting a dental implant is similar to any other dental procedure and your dentist will numb the area being operatingon to minimize pain. Your doctor can also sedate you if you are anxious and cannot sit upright during the procedure. 

    Dental Implants Do Not Look Genuine

    Most people believe that you can tell a dental implant from a distance. However, this is not true since dental implants are designed to restore the look of your natural smile, to make you feel confident. Even though the root of an implant may not have a natural look, the part that appears above the gum resembles your other teeth in size, color and shape. It is hard for anyone to know that you are wearing implants by looking at your teeth.

    Dental Implants Have Far-Reaching Health Implications

    Most people believe that dental implants can cause tension headaches and migraines. However, this is not true and there is no evidence to support this argument. Like any other surgery, dental surgery has risks including nerve damage, infection, and injury to the surrounding tissues. The good thing is that these risks can be minimized when you visit an experienced dentist who uses the latest technology.

    Dental Implants Are Too Expensive

    Dental implants are indeed costly in the short run. However, this cost is low in the long run since you will not incur further costs; your implants have been fixed. While dental bridges cost less, you have to replace them regularly, which is much more expensive in the long run. Further more, the cost is dependent on the number of teeth to be replaced and the type of implant to be used. Since most insurance plans cover part of the dental service charge, it is advisable to ask your doctor about the available payment plans.

    Do not allow a missing tooth to make you self-conscious of your smile. Schedule a visit to your dentist to learn more about dental implants. If you reside in Florida, you can also check out this dentist who offers the best dental implants in Delray Beach.