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Endometriosis: What you Need to Know

    Do you suffer from pelvic pain? Or endometriosis? If so, you may be looking for a way to treat your symptoms. If you’re looking for a New York endometriosis specialist, don’t hesitate to contact the Advanced Endometriosis Centre. They specialize in care for conditions such as pelvic pain, endometriosis, myomectomy, infertility, and fibroids in New York City, NY.

    What is Endometriosis?

    Endometriosis is a long-lasting and chronic condition suffered by many women. If you have endometriosis, the tissue that’s very similar to the lining of your womb will begin to grow in other places. This unwanted tissue often grows on the ovaries and fallopian tubes.

    The condition can affect women and girls of any age and has a significant impact on many people’s life. The good news is that there are several treatments available that can help.

    What are the symptoms of Endometriosis?

    The severity of the symptoms experienced varies greatly. Some women are very badly affected and experience a lot of pain. Others have the condition without noticing any signs.

    Suffers of endometriosis experience pelvic pain; this is a pain in the lower tummy, which can also be felt on their back. This type of pain will get worse during menstruation. The pain is often so bad that it will stop suffers from carrying out typical day to day activities.

    Pain may also be experienced during sex and when going to the toilet during menstruation. Suffers often feel sick, have constipation or diarrhea or blood in their pee during menstruation. They may also have trouble conceiving.

    If you have endometriosis, you’re likely to have heavy periods and will need to use many sanatory products. In some cases, sufferers even bleed through their clothes. Endometriosis has a massive impact on the lives of many women, and in some cases, it can also lead to depression.

    It’s essential to see your doctor if you’re experiencing any of the symptoms of endometriosis. If the symptoms are having a significant impact on your life, you’ll want to seek treatment immediately. It’s a good idea to keep a diary of your symptoms over a few months before you see your doctor.

    It’s often hard for doctors to diagnose endometriosis, as symptoms can vary a lot. Many other conditions also have similar symptoms.

    At your doctor’s appointment, your doctor will likely ask you about your symptoms; they will also do an examination of your tummy, as well as your vagina. If it’s suspected that you have endometriosis, the doctor is likely to recommend treatments. In more severe cases or if initial therapies don’t work, you may be referred to a gynecologist who will carry out further tests. You may be given an ultrasound scan or have a laparoscopy.

    Treatments for Endometriosis

    There isn’t a cure for endometriosis, but there are many things you can do to manage your pain and improve the quality of your life. Take painkillers during menstruation, paracetamol and ibuprofen are very effective.

    Your doctor may also recommend hormone drugs or contraceptive medication. In more severe cases, you’ll likely need surgery to remove the endometriosis tissue.