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Exercises to Avoid with an Injured Rotator Cuff

    Rotator cuff is a group of muscles that keep the shoulder joint in place. You engage these muscles when you work your shoulders. Keeping your shoulders strong is one of the best ways to avoid shoulder injuries. 

    However, several workouts might induce or aggravate an existing rotator cuff injury by compressing the rotator cuff (specifically, the supraspinatus muscle). Osteo Wantirna can help you make a speedy recovery by adjusting your motions and recommending exercises to prevent more aggravation. Meanwhile, here are exercises you should avoid when you have a torn rotator cuff.

    1. Dumbell Lateral Raises

    Though this exercise is excellent for targeting the medial deltoid, it can cause a rotator cuff rupture.

    The reason is that the dumbbell is often held at a downward angle. The rotator cuff’s tear is made worse because of the additional stress.

    1. Chest Exercises

    Shoulders are used in chest expansion exercises. You might injure your rotator cuff by engaging in this exercise. Incorrect workout form places undue strain on the rotator cuff muscles. This type of workout also causes a pinching sensation in the muscles against the shoulder blades.

    1. Upright Row

    An upright row can readily exacerbate a rotator cuff strain. When you raise your arm, your upper arm rotates in your shoulder, moving closer to your body. Given the damaged cuff tendon, such strenuous exercise is likely to cause discomfort. Because of this, it is one of the exercises you should avoid if you have a ruptured rotator cuff.

    1. Behind the Head Lat Pulldowns

    If you’re prone to anterior shoulder instability, you should avoid the behind-the-head lat pulldown. Over time, ligament or cartilage loss and soft-tissue injuries (such as rotator cuff tears) can lead to anterior instability. Limitations in shoulder ROM can lead to an uncomfortable forward head posture which can exacerbate the original problem.

    1. Military Press

    When doing a military press with a dumbbell or barbell, your arm position is the limiting factor. Most overhead presses have the elbows out at the start and finish. You have a forward-facing 30-degree shoulder girdle.

    You risk shoulder dislocation just holding this stance. When you lift a heavy object above, the rotator cuff is strained.

    1. Battle Ropes

    You are prone to rotator cuff damage and shoulder discomfort if they explosively pull a heavy rope with big, repeated arm motions. Even if your shoulders are in terrific shape, you’ll find it challenging to maintain proper form while performing combat ropes, even more so if you’ve got a rotator cuff injury and have to keep your arms still despite the pain.

    1. Triceps Dips

    Bench dips, which work the glenohumeral joint (the ball and socket joint in the shoulder), internally rotate and extend the humerus. The anterior shoulder capsule, the subscapularis muscle, and the long head of the biceps tendon are all severely strained in this position.

    Bodybuilding or strength training is a vital part of any fitness program. Shoulder motion is intricate, so it’s best to prevent a rotator cuff injury, but if you already have one, proper form and good exercises can speed up the healing process for your shoulder.