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Eye Care 101: 4 Smart Tips to Protect Your Vision

    Which of your senses would you most be afraid to lose? As visually-oriented beings, most of us would say vision without much hesitation. And yet, many of us do little to safeguard the health of our eyes.

    They say you never know how precious something is until it’s gone. And in the case of vision, that loss can often be permanent.

    Which is all the more reason why it’s important to practice good eye care. To help preserve your eye health, check out these simple tips.

    1. Keep Screens at a Distance

    In modern times, there’s no getting away from screens. Many of us use them all day at work, only to go home and look at phones, tablets, or TV monitors.

    ANd all of that exposure isn’t doing our eyes a world of good.

    Prolonged exposure to the blue light from these screens can cause eyestrain. It’s recommended to keep computer screens at least an arm’s length away, and phone and tablet screens at least 16 inches away.

    2. Eat Well

    Type-2 diabetes is a leading cause of blindness in adults. And 90% of this vision loss is preventable. If your blood sugar is a consistent issue for you, talk to your doctor about ways to help manage it.

    Further, many Americans are deficient in key nutrients responsible for maintaining eye health. Omega-3 fatty acids, for example, may help lower the risk of eye diseases such as macular degeneration and cataracts. You can find Omega-3’s in foods principle in fatty, coldwater fish like tuna, salmon, mackerel, and sardines.

    Leafy greens should also have a place on your plate. Vegetables like spinach, kale, broccoli, zucchini, peas, avocado, and Brussels sprouts are rich in the nutrients lutein and zeaxanthin. Like Omega-3’s, these nutrients are linked to a decreased incidence of eye diseases.

    3. Manage Your Allergies if You Have Them

    Allergies are the sixth leading cause of chronic illness in the United States. So the odds are good that you or someone you know deals with them on a regular basis.

    They can range from a minor nuisance to a major health concern, but in any case red, swollen, itchy eyes tend to be a common symptom.

    If you suffer from symptoms like these without apparent cause, allergies are the most likely culprit. For an in-depth guide on how allergies can affect your vision, check it out here.

    4. Shield Yourself From the Sun

    We all want to soak up the sun in the warm summer months. But for your eyes, the harsh UV rays can prove punishing.

    Even just driving during the daytime can cause enough sun exposure to increase the risks of macular degeneration. For that reason, always remember to wear your sunglasses, even if you’re only outside for brief periods.

    Practice Good Eye Care Today for a Brighter, Clearer Tomorrow

    An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Protecting your eyes now is the surest way to ensure good eye health in the future.

    But while eye care is important, it’s only one facet of living a healthy, happy life.

    For all the information you need to know to live well, be sure to keep up with all of our latest health and wellness news and views.