Having bad breath can happen to anybody, however, it is preventable. In medical terms, it is known as halitosis, which is due to poor dental hygiene. There are remedies to prevent bad breath, and you can get help from your general dentist in Old Bridge.
What is halitosis?
Halitosis occurs due to the accumulation of bacteria in the mouth between the teeth, which causes the production of volatile sulfur compounds. Most bad breath cases are associated with poor hygiene, and the following tips will help you cope and prevent this condition.
Brush your teeth twice a day
Failure to brush your teeth often can lead to the accumulation of food particles in the mouth. When this happens, there is the risk of bacteria which then causes bad breath. The remedy is to brush your teeth every day, at least in the morning and before you go to bed.
Also, if at home, you can brush after a meal. Brushing involves removing all the food particles on your teeth and tongue. You can also use dental floss for better results and it is essential to change your toothbrush every three months.
Clean the tongue
The tongue tends to be overlooked during brushing, and failure to clean it can lead to a whitish deposit. This substance is a symptom of bacteria accumulation and the formation of sulfur components that cause bad breath.
You can remove this coating with a tongue scraper which your dentist will prescribe or a special toothbrush equipped with this device. Brush properly in a back-and-forth method for several days until it clears. After that, ensure you brush your tongue whenever brushing your teeth.
Get treated for cavities
A tooth cavity can become infected in the pulp and cause diseases such as periodontitis or gingivitis, which can cause bad breath. It is essential to seek treatment for tooth decay and cavities.
On your annual visit to the clinic, your dentist checks for oral diseases and suggests different treatment options such as fillings, crowns, extraction, and implants.
A dental examination is necessary, and the doctor can recommend descaling, which is the removal of tartar once per year. Tartar is the substance that causes gum disease or cavities.
Check your diet
Most cases of bad breath are due to diet, and spicy foods are a major cause. Also, foods such as garlic, cheese, or onions can cause bad breath since, after digestion, they change into odorous substances that are absorbed into the bloodstream and enter the lungs, thereby causing bad breath.
Alcohol consumption, coffee, and smoking can cause bad breath. Tobacco causes periodontal diseases and can stain the teeth and cause bad breath.
Sugar can damage your teeth and can cause an accumulation of bacteria responsible for bad breath. You can chew sugar-free chewing gum, which triggers the production of saliva and clears the plaque. Also, drink a glass of water after every meal and before going to bed.
Use mouthwash
Your dentist recommends a mouthwash to treat bad breath. However, it is not a long-term solution and is recommended alongside other treatment options.
If you are suffering from bad breath, there is a wide range of treatment options available. Contact the experts at Empire Dental Group of New Jersey for guidance.