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Glo Offers Yoga at Home and Meditation for all Skill Levels

     Have you ever wanted to try yoga or Pilates but are too embarrassed to do it in front of other people? Some people might have extremely busy schedules and can only practice late at night. Others might be too embarrassed of their body style or weight to attend in-person classes. Glo is offering a way to take classes on your tablet or computer whenever you would like, and in the privacy of your own home.


    Gym Memberships Might not be the Answer

    If you’re trying to get in shape, gym memberships can be expensive. There are usually fees to join, annual maintenance fees, as well as a termination fee. You also might run into long waits to use certain pieces of equipment. You might even run into members who are trying to bully you by trying get you off a piece of equipment before you’re done. Some members might leave sweat and body grease all over the equipment. If this sounds too familiar, you might want to try doing yoga at home with Glo.


    A Home Work-out on Your Schedule

    A good alternative to a gym membership is to sign up at Glo and do yoga at home. While practicing yoga or all the other programs they offer, you wont need to be self-conscious of your body, and you can practice anytime you want. You can dress however you want and don’t need to worry about any crazy club rules or keeping up with the rest of the class.


    Yoga at Home

    If you’re new to yoga, they offer over 300 classes and 15 programs to help you get started. You can start with Hatha, a slower moving yoga that is still challenging. Another beginner style is Vinyasa Flow. It moves a little faster than Hatha and symbolizes flowing by using postures and breathing linked together. A third beginner style is Restorative Yoga. This will help relax the body, mind, and spirit with the help of props. Another good beginner style is Yoga Conditioning. This is a blend of dynamic strength training mixed with traditional yoga. 


    Meditation at Home

    Glo offers a lot more than just doing yoga at home. If you’re feeling stressed or would like to focus your awareness, try Glo meditation. They offer 500 meditation classes for every experience level. You can try mantra chanting, breathwork or guided visualization to train your mind and reduce stress. These classes are taught by some of best instructors available. These meditations can help you sleep, practice forgiveness, or help you become emotionally balanced. They have audio meditation you can listen to while taking a walk, riding the bus, or eating dinner.


    Pilates at Home 

    If you’re looking to increase core strength while empowering your mind, body, and spirit, try Pilates. Glo offers classes on Interval Training, Head to Toe Mobility, and Core Basics for Beginners. They also have classes that use resistance bands and hand weights to increase the challenge.


    Are you finally ready to try Pilates, meditation, or yoga at home? If you are, head over to Glo’s website and enjoy the programs in the privacy of your own home.