Green tea has been a part of traditional medicine in Chinese culture to treat headaches or wounds, and has recently become popular here in the west. This is because there are significant connections between the drink and weight loss.
The real question is whether you should drink green tea vs black tea for weight loss. Continue reading for everything you need to know about drinking teas and shedding pounds.
Drinking Green Tea for Weight Loss
One of the biggest reasons green tea helps with weight loss is the effects it has on our metabolism. It contains catechin which is an antioxidant that breaks down fat and speeds up the metabolism. This will help you feel more energized throughout the day, and you will naturally burn more calories.
It is a natural drink that can’t hurt to try when on your weight loss journey. It can help you relax and has a positive impact on heart disease risks. Drinking 2 to 3 cups a day should be enough to supplement weight loss.
Some people use green tea pills for weight loss as a replacement for drinking tea throughout the day. This method may even give you more powerful antioxidants than drinking the tea itself. Trim weight loss has capsules with green leaf extracts that do not use harsh solvents.
Types of Green Tea
Green tea sets the standard for weight loss because of the studies done on its effects. Its leaves steam and crush during the production process. Here are typical types of green tea people enjoy drinking:
- Jasmine Green Tea
- Mint Green Tea
- Japanese Sencha
- Matcha Green Tea
- Sencha Green Tea
Drinking Black Tea for Weight Loss
Black tea is very popular for its strong flavor. It has a plethora of benefits from improving immunity, controlling cholesterol, and regulating weight.
Specifically related to weight loss, black tea change the bacteria in the gut. It helps reduce the bacteria related to obesity. It also lowers visceral fats and triglyceride levels. Check out performix sst v2x reviews.
Not to mention, it is an incredibly low calorie drink that won’t make you gain weight. As long as no sugars, sweeteners, or honey are added of course.
Types of Black Tea
A lot of the time, black tea is iced. It is fermented, which is what leaves the dark color and why it contains a good deal of caffeine. Here are a few popular black tea types:
- Assam Black Tea
- Ceylon Black Tea
- Earl Grey
- English or Scottish Black Tea
- Chai Kee Mun Tea
Green Tea vs Black Tea for Weight Loss: What’s Best for You
Drinking tea is also a good substitute for drinking anything super sugary or full of fake flavoring. So if you’re still wondering about green tea vs black tea for weight loss, it really comes down to preference. Both types of tea show weight loss benefits and have additional health benefits.
Check out some of our other articles on health, lifestyle, and weight loss tips.