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Gynaecological Care – Who needs it

    Women from the age of 18 and above are advised to start having regular gynaecological visits. At the clinic, any gynaecological issues can be detected on time, and the patient may raise any concerns that will be addressed. At Fair Oaks OBGYN, we make sure that you are comfortable sharing your concerns and make the exams comfortable and the entire experience worthwhile. It takes skill, experience, and interactions with our patients to understand how to tackle different issues.

    Why Do You Need Regular Visits?

    Even when you feel healthy, you must have regular gynaecological visits. During the visit, the gynaecologist may ask you questions about your general health, check into your medical history, and carry out exams to rule out any issues.

    The most important tests carried out are to your pelvic area, breast, and any other areas of concern. X-rays, MRI, and blood tests may be carried out, and so is a pap smear to rule out the presence of cervical cancer. Breasts checks may also be necessary. In most cases, the results are relayed to you after a few days to give the lab technicians enough time to work on the samples.

    Some woman issues such as breast and cervical cancer may be asymptomatic in their initial stages, making regular gynaecological visits necessary.

    Which Services Should You Expect?

    Other than pap smears, a gynaecologist should carry out a well-woman clinic, contraception administration, menopause management, family planning, fertility counseling, hormonal therapy, and gynaecological disease screening and management. You may also be screened for issues such as diabetes, high blood pressure, depression, thyroid problems, and high cholesterol levels. If need be, you may be referred to another specialist for further treatment.

    When are the Visits Scheduled?

    If no gynaecological issues are detected, your doctor may schedule another meeting after one year. If you have a history of conditions such as cancer or hormonal imbalance, an appointment may be booked sooner, even when you have fully recovered. What you need to remember is that yearly consultations are critical and should not be ignored.

    When You Require Treatment

    In case of any detected issues, the gynaecologist may advise you to start immediate treatment. Before the treatment, further tests may be carried out to ensure appropriate treatment options are administered. Most of the common issues include cervical cancer, heavy menstruation, hormonal imbalance, and menopause complications.

    Usually, appropriate drugs will be administered, but, in some cases, surgery and hormonal replacement therapies may be recommended. You must follow through with the medication, doctor’s appointments, and recommendations for a successful recovery.

    When it comes to family planning, the gynaecologist looks into your general health and how well your body reacts to the contraceptives. He also takes into account your preferred mode of family planning before recommending a suitable method.

    If you have any woman issues, visit your gynaecologist immediately. Today’s technology makes it possible to have a fast and successful diagnosis leading to effective treatment. Always ensure that you have a qualified, certified, and reputable gynaecologist to reach out to any time.