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Have You Tried These Helpful Hair Restoration Aftercare Tips?

    Hair restoration procedures ensure your confidence and self-esteem are boosted by giving you a full natural head of hair you have been desiring. But to maintain the results and ensure that all goes well, you will be given some special aftercare instructions from your provider. Paul M. Pearce, MD, of Austin Texas Hair Restoration Center, creates a customized treatment plan, including recovery aftercare, and can help you. Dr. Pearce advises patients on living life after a hair transplant for a speedy recovery and optimal results. In addition, here are several tips to help you through your postoperative period:

    For Your First Few Days

    You will be released to return home following your hair restoration treatment meaning your provider will not be there to monitor you. For the first days, you will be required to rest to promote healing. Any strenuous activities such as bending, manual working, playing sports, or lifting may be suspended for a couple of days.

    You are also to avoid heat or cold extremes that can interfere with healing. Therefore, it is preferable you stay inside for a few days and if you must go outside, wear a loose-fitting hat. But otherwise, your head should remain uncovered for several days.

    Managing Pain and Swelling

    You may experience some discomfort and swelling in the treatment area in the first week. However, you can relieve this with ice packs or anti-inflammatories. For the ice packs, please place them on the forehead but not on the graft site for about fifteen minutes every two hours.

    You can avoid swelling by sleeping in a semi-upright posture to keep the pressure off the treatment site. Use a neck pillow and elevate your head at least 45 degrees, particularly for your first three nights.

    Washing Your Hair

    Wait for about 3-4 days before you wash your hair. When you get your first hair wash, do it very gently using a mild shampoo and dispense water mildly over the treatment area. Use clean paper towels to rinse and dry your hair thoroughly. Although you can have a gentle shower with low pressure in your second week, it would be good to avoid bathing, showering, or submerging your head underwater for the first month.

    Cutting and Styling Your Hair

    It is advisable to use scissors to cut your hair after about three months but not a razor, which can wait for about six months. When styling your hair, comb it carefully to avoid disturbing the roots. Wait for at least a few weeks before getting to the hair drier. For curls, dying, and complex hairstyles, you can wait until you are completely healed.

    Returning to Work, Sports, and Activities

    Depending on the nature of your work, your provider will advise you accordingly about your return. For the less strenuous jobs, you can go back after a day or so. But you might want to take a few days off if your job involves hats or helmets, dusty environments, and heavy lifting. However, a hair transplant is generally a low-risk procedure, and you will gradually get back to your favorite activities.

    The post-hair restoration treatment procedure is crucial to the overall results you get. Consult Dr. Pearce today to ensure you are doing everything right. If you are yet to get a hair restoration plan that suits you, you can book an appointment, and Dr. Pearce will help you through.