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Health Tips For Travelling During A Pandemic

    Traveling during a pandemic can be overwhelming but there are some ways to help you deal with it calmly. Staying safe in a few ways will prevent you from catching Covid-19 and help you focus on your health. Here are some top health tips for traveling during a pandemic… 

    Getting help managing your travel plans

    If you usually get stressed about traveling and you’re going on a business trip you can get some help with organising it. Many companies are starting to provide corporate travel management to lend a helping hand to those who need it. If you don’t have time to search for the best flight prices and select hotels for a whole team, you can have it organised for you. There is no harm in asking for help with these kinds of admin tasks if you don’t have anyone in your company that has time to help you out. If you have a fast-paced job and limited time you will benefit from travel management services. 

    Top tips for staying safe 

    One way to stay safe and not risk getting Covid is to keep your mask on at all times. You should eat before you fly on the plane so you won’t need to remove the mask and risk letting any threats near your face. It’s also worth having a change of mask in case you feel uncomfortable in the same one for the whole journey. Be selective with the mask you are using, some of the thicker masks probably provide more protection than the blue thin masks. You can go for a strong mask on the plane especially. 

    Remember not to touch your face and mouth, or eyes in particular when flying. Using hand sanitiser is a great way to make sure you aren’t carrying any unwanted bacteria on your hands. It’s difficult to avoid touching any surfaces so just make sure you wash your hands after or thoroughly sanitise. 

    Following social distancing measures is important, even if you see those around you breaking the rules. Keep a reasonable distance whether it’s on the plane, queueing in the airport, or going through security. This one can be easy to forget but keep reminding yourself to stay as healthy as possible. 

    Make sure you have thoroughly checked travel requirements

    It’s essential to check the travel requirements before flying or you could run into trouble in the airport. If you have the vaccine certificate you will usually need to show this and sometimes a negative PCR or lateral flow test as well. Check the government website for the country you are flying to, even on the day you are flying because rules and regulations are changing often. Also, remember to check your passport has at least 6 months left on it before flying, some countries will not let you enter if you don’t have this. Being organised will reduce a huge amount of stress. 

    Stock up on vitamins before flying

    Making sure you stock up on vitamins before flying can be essential, start taking them a few weeks before to boost your immune system. This will ensure you can fight off any unwanted Covid-19 bacteria or any other coughs and colds lurking around. You can buy all sorts of vitamins in spray form, like vitamin D for your immune system or multi-vitamins to benefit your health all around. 

    Now you know some top health tips for traveling during a pandemic you can maximise your safety and stay as healthy as possible. If you follow the guidelines, you will also be helping those around you as much as you can. Traveling during a pandemic is new for all of us and we are still learning in some aspects.