It is essential to understand the need for different types of glasses which are to be used as per the prescription only. Not every pair of lenses can suit all purposes. This is why we need distinct lenses for distinct purposes. However, using them without a prescription is not recommended.
As clear by the name, Multifocal or Varifocal lenses are a blend of multiple lenses with different focal lengths. Such lenses are prescribed to those who face difficulty to focus on objects placed at distinct focuses. Varifocals can be termed as a pair of emergency glasses as you do not have to rush to change spectacles while performing distinct tasks.
Generally, a person is not able to focus on objects placed at a particular distance. But, with age, it becomes difficult to focus on objects. No matter if they are placed in a short or long distance. This leads to the requirement of more than one pair of lenses.
Having different pairs of lenses for different tasks is not only bothering but also distracting at times. Therefore, multifocal lenses are recommended in such cases. These lenses as mentioned earlier, consist of a single lens with a blend of several lenses. You can easily shop for varifocal lenses online.
These glasses are generally prescribed to those suffering from presbyopia. It is not absurd to add that presbyopia is fixed using bifocal lenses which is a blend of two lenses. But, in case of more than two lenses required, varifocals are recommended.
It initially feels uncomfortable when you start wearing any pair of glasses. You need to get used to every new pair you get your hands on. In the case of multifocal lenses, it takes a bit longer to get used to the lenses. This is because the brain needs time to adjust to the multifocal lenses most obviously because it isn’t used to such multifocal setup.
The question hence arises that exactly how much time does it take to get used to the varifocal lenses?
The extra effort to adapt varifocals is not a result of the extra time taken by the brain. When you switch to a different pair of lenses, the brain takes time to adapt to the new visual circumstances. This time taken by the brain varies from person to person.
While some might get used to this within a few days, others would take as long as two weeks to be comfortable with the new setup. Varifocals are subject to certain complications at initial stages which are normal and disappear completely once you get used to the new visual circumstances. This is why adapting varifocals is different from adapting to any other lens.
Some conditions accompanying the initial use of varifocals
- It is challenging to be able to focus on the objects. The brain takes time to adjust with the multifocal setup. Undoubtedly, with time, the brain gets used to the same visual circumstances and you are able to focus better on the objects.
- Not being able to focus efficiently leads to a delusional state which is accompanied by dizziness.
- Trying to focus harder results in eye strain. This further leads to a headache. The above conditions urge you to remove the glasses as they give a really unpleasant experience initially.
It is however recommended not to remove the lenses. Wearing them is the only way to get used to them. It is suggested to avoid looking downwards to minimize the discomfort caused by these lenses initially.
It takes to adapt to any new pair of glasses. If your new lenses differ to a great extent from the older one, it takes a bit longer to adapt to the new visual circumstances. This is the case with varifocals. Generally, a little distortion is always felt with the change of lenses. The same disappears within a short span of time.
Our Recommendations
Some distortions and uneasiness are normal initially. But, at the same time, one must take into consideration certain points while validating a new pair of glasses.
- The glasses should neither be too loose nor too tight. They should sit comfortably on your face. The discomfort faced initially should remain confined to the lens and not extend to the frame.
- As varifocals are specially designed to provide a clear vision of distant objects placed at different focuses, try to focus on the book at first. Make sure to maintain the right posture throughout.
- Try focusing on distinct objects placed at different positions, sides and focuses. From a book, try focusing at a tree outside the window pane. Then, a ceiling fan, a book again. This not only helps you to adapt to the new visual circumstances but also ensures that the frame fits you properly.
- It is better to be careful while walking. As the initial days involve dizziness, either avoid looking down or up directly or walk with your glasses off.
Varifocal lenses are the most convenient lenses to rely upon for a good distant vision at multiple focuses. It is inconvenient to keep changing the lenses. It also creates a lot of hassle to carry different frames everywhere you go.
Even if considered to some extent, it can be practised at home. But, the inconvenience in doing so prevails at home as well as outside home. This inconvenience is followed by embarrassment outside the home. Varifocals are, therefore, reliable emergency glasses also.
Changing frames over and again at gatherings, be it personal or professional is embarrassing and distracting. It is, therefore, intelligent to switch to a progressive option. Varifocal lenses are a blend of multiple lenses in a single frame. Hence, saving you from all the hassle.
However, the initial use of varifocal lenses causes uneasiness and discomfort initially. But, these conditions completely vanish with constant use of the new lenses. Considering the initial uneasiness being normal, one still needs to ensure choosing the correct frame.
These are multipurpose lenses which are a good replacement for several frames which you might otherwise need to carry. To find and shop more about varifocal glasses online, refer to Specscart.