Are you considering non-invasive treatment methods? If so, what are the benefits of pemf therapy? Your primary care physician may recommend Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) therapy as an excellent alternative, and for a good reason. PEMF therapy works for more than just damaged bones and tissues. You can also use PEMF therapy to enhance the quality of your day-to-day life.
Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy relieves fatigue by stimulating your body’s natural energy, thanks to its rechargeable battery capabilities. Think about those busy days at work that leave you tired and exhausted. All it takes is one short therapy session, and you will feel reborn. For the average fitness enthusiast, PEMF therapy is a great way to relax muscles and joints, relieve inflammation, and stay in shape all year.
PEMF therapy is a completely safe treatment. But how often should you use it?
1. Your Health Condition
PEMF therapy can treat many problems, making it a versatile treatment option. Perhaps you suffer from chronic or acute pain in your ankle, elbow, hip, knee, shoulders, and internal organs, such as stomach problems. The above issues require a consultation with a physician who will develop a program tailored to your needs. However, PEMF devices come in a variety of designs. You can perform regular treatment sessions yourself if you purchase a portable PEMF device.
The frequency of PEMF therapy sessions depends on the severity of your health condition. Soft tissue damage, for example, requires a shorter time to regenerate and fully recover. Your treatment cycle will be faster with fewer therapy sessions than deep tissue recovery. Chronic fatigue, inflammation, and degenerative conditions such as arthritis and osteoporosis may require continuous treatment with longer therapy sessions.
Does someone close to you suffer from a mental illness? PEMF therapy is also an alternative treatment for relieving stress, anxiety, and depression. As treatment progresses, your therapist can advise you on the frequency of therapy sessions.
2. Low-Frequency Vs. High-Frequency PEMF Devices
What makes PEMF therapy so convenient is the fact that you can have your sessions done anywhere. Whether at home, work, or gym, you can equip yourself with a portable PEMF device to track your treatment program. The setting of PEMF devices is based on the intensity of the electromagnetic frequencies. PEMF devices that emit low electromagnetic frequencies are suitable for gentle treatments, such as mild sprains, muscle fatigue, and inflammation after intense game training.
High-frequency devices are more suitable for severe conditions requiring long-term or continuous treatment. Portable PEMF or low-intensity devices are an essential accessory for personal therapy sessions. Your therapist should advise you on an appropriate treatment program that fits your daily routine. Low-intensity PEMF therapy typically runs over a short treatment cycle. On the other hand, high-intensity PEMF therapy may involve longer cycles and more intensive treatment sessions.
3. Target Area
Want to know how PEMF works? Your cells serve as energy stores and transmitters for your body’s functions. More energy can speed your recovery when your body needs to produce new cells for bone, tissue, and muscle repair. Increased cellular activity is good news for your body’s recovery. By targeting the stressed or damaged area, electromagnetic waves restore normal cellular function. Note that the frequency of therapy sessions depends on the targeted area.
For example, a back injury that requires high-intensity PEMF therapy requires specialized equipment. Treatments at your therapist’s clinic will be more intense and last longer.
Choosing The Right PEMF Device
When consulting with your therapist about PEMF devices available on the market, it’s worth considering the following points:
Electromagnetic Frequencies And Strengths
Depending on the intensity of the treatment, PEMF devices are set differently. Larger target areas mean more contact with the PEMF device and require a larger model. You can perform the medicine in your therapist’s office. Professional PEMF devices are suitable for supervised treatment sessions with your therapist. However, would you not like a more individualized treatment plan?
Check out the option of full-body mats and choose a model that fits your needs. Full body mats have a larger surface area and are best for treating areas such as the shoulders, lower back, and legs. Your therapist knows that exposure to strong, high-intensity electromagnetic frequencies can worsen your pain and discomfort. It’s best to talk with your therapist before choosing a device. Most patients start with low frequencies and become accustomed to them as the treatment program progresses.
Full Body Treatments Vs. Spot Treatments
While PEMF therapy can be effective, proper design impacts cure rates. Severe disease requires a more aggressive treatment plan. Discuss your options carefully with your therapist when selecting an appropriate PEMF device. While long-term treatment plans require a more potent PEMF device, you can split your treatment plan into two parts for better and faster results. For high-intensity cycles, your therapist may prescribe less supervised treatment sessions of longer duration.
Remember that long-term treatment requires a more nuanced approach for a full recovery. Spot treatments are effective for severe injuries and illnesses when done correctly. Portable PEMF devices are meant for a smaller area, but they’re a relief from constantly going to the therapist. Include low-intensity cycles in your treatment plan that target the most affected areas. Spot treatments are ideal for relieving pain, stress, fatigue, muscle inflammation, and other ailments for short- and long-term treatments.
Your therapist will help you choose a PEMF device based on how frequently and intensely you want to treat.
Your Budget
Don’t let your budget slow down your recovery process. Your therapist will guide you in selecting a PEMF device that fits your budget and treatment plan. Using a portable PEMF device for regular, personal use is always a good idea. Buying the most expensive PEMF device doesn’t guarantee the best results. Full recovery and chronic disease management depend primarily on the experience of your preferred therapist and the prescribed treatment plan. As such, listen closely to your therapist and ask them as many questions as possible to seek clarifications on the frequency and intensity of treatment that will best serve you.