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How Often Should You See a Chiropractor?

    Who would mind a magic bullet that can resolve all their health troubles in one fell swoop? If only that were plausible. Mostly,  staying healthy means regular treatment sessions, including visits to your Denver Chiropractor. In the same way, you need to change your car’s oil every few months or get a tune-up; your body needs regular maintenance, too.

    How often you should see a chiropractor depends on many factors unique to your situation. In general, however, most people benefit from one to two chiropractic adjustments per week during the first four to six weeks of care. After that, you can transition to maintenance care, which may involve visits on a monthly or as-needed basis.

    So, if you’re looking for a magic number, there isn’t one. Here’s a look at the variables that could determine the frequency of your visits.

    1. Your State of Health

    Your overall health impacts the frequency of your visits. Case in point, if you’re seeking treatment for an acute injury, such as a sprain or strain, you’ll likely need to visit the chiropractor more often in the beginning. But If you have a chronic condition, such as arthritis or disc degeneration, you may need more visits at first. Then, your visits can taper off as your condition improves.

    For some people, one session is sufficient to produce noticeable relief from pain. However, it may take multiple sessions for others to see any significant results. Essentially, the body needs time to heal after each adjustment.

    During your first visit, your chiropractor conducts a thorough examination and asks about your health history. They then design a treatment plan to address your needs. And once you begin care, your chiropractor closely monitors your progress and makes any necessary adjustments.

    Chiropractors often recommend regular visits to promote your overall well-being over time. Take the case of going to a health clinic and getting a prescription. Usually, your doctor recommends that you complete your dosage, even if your symptoms improve. Why do you think this is the case?

    For starters, the effects of the medication build up over time and are designed to relieve your symptoms and prevent them from recurring. The same logic applies to chiropractic care – regular adjustments can help prevent future pain and injuries by keeping your body in alignment.

    Put plainly, even if you’re feeling great, finish the recommended course of treatment. Chiropractic care isn’t all about managing pain – it also addresses the underlying cause of your pain and allows your body to heal properly.

    2. Rate of Healing 

    In medical circles, if you see a specialist and your condition improves, you generally reduce your doctor visits, right? The same is true with chiropractic care. If you’re coming in for lower back pain, for example, and we quickly help you find relief, you won’t need to come in as often.

    Similarly, if you’re responding well to treatment and progressing towards your goals, you may need to visit the chiropractor less often. But if you are dealing with a stubborn condition, implying it’s bothering you for a more extended period, more follow-up visits will suffice. Once your health improves, you can consider infrequent visits.

    3. Type of Care

    Healthcare falls under three categories: urgent, rehabilitative, and maintenance. Urgent care is, well, urgent – it’s for things like a broken bone or a heart attack. Rehabilitative care addresses conditions that require active treatment but aren’t life-threatening, such as a rotator cuff tear. On the other hand, maintenance care helps you avoid problems in the first place and can keep existing problems from getting worse.

    Chiropractic adjustments are considered maintenance care. You don’t need them to survive, but they can help you live a healthier, pain-free life. That’s why most people who see chiropractors do so regularly, even if they feel fine. Just like brushing your teeth prevents cavities, regular chiropractic care can prevent many health problems before they start.

    That said, rehabilitative care may also call for visits to a chiropractor. Let’s assume you’ve been in an accident and you’re seeing a chiropractor help with your recovery. In this case, you may need a few monthly visits until your condition improves.

    Also, if you’re coming in for lower back pain, a chiropractor may recommend two to three visits a week at first. Once your pain is gone, you can transition to maintenance care, which may involve one visit per month or as needed. But, if you want to maintain your overall health and wellness, one visit per week or every other week may be ideal.

    4. Your goals

    What are your health goals? Are you looking for pain relief? Improved mobility or range of motion? Better sleep? Increased energy? All of these? Your answers can help determine how often you need to see a chiropractor.

    For instance, if you’re trying to get out of pain as quickly as possible, you may need frequent visits at first. Conversely, if you don’t have specific goals and only want to stay healthy, infrequent visits would do the trick.

    5. Your Schedule

    If you’re a busy professional – implying regular travel is part of your hectic routine – you may not have much time to spare for a chiropractic visit. Also, if you’re an athlete with a grueling training schedule, ditto!

    That said, having stress in your life and being on the go can take a toll on your body, leading to tension, tight muscles, and misaligned joints. In turn, this may leave you in a catch-22 situation. That means you need to balance your interests by creating time for chiropractic care. 

    Let Your Needs Dictate your Visits

    Once your body heals, you may only need infrequent visits, say once a month or so, to maintain your results. Some people prefer more frequent visits, such as once weekly, while others opt to come in on an as-needed basis, such as when they feel their back “go out” or experience pain.

    Your circumstances will undoubtedly dictate how often you need to see a chiropractor. But if you’re unsure which direction to take, you should talk to your local chiropractor for advice. You can determine the best course of care for your condition or situation by working with them.

    Ultimately, the best way to determine the frequency of your visits is to consult with your chiropractor, a point we need to emphasize. Generally, they will consider your unique needs, health goals, and other variables to create a treatment plan tailored to you.