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How Technology Is Changing Pest Control

    Technology is always progressing to help us with almost everything further, as well as make our tasks more manageable. Although it may seem like a drag when you try and follow the trend, keep in mind that the development of gadgets and equipment is for a useful purpose.

    In terms of business, technological advancement significantly affects the ways you can manage and execute operations on a pest control company or service. This article shows you how technology can potentially help the field of pest control evolve. Yes, pest control can be simple and easy but now the landscape has changed with modern technology.

    Route Optimization By Artificial Intelligence

    Artificial intelligence (AI) is any task fulfilled by a system, machine, or program without the help or manipulation of humans. Many companies use AI nowadays, and it’s also starting to get incorporated even in pest control methods and regimens for better service.

    Route optimization is known as “the process of determining the most cost-efficient route.” If incorporated in pest control services, route optimization can specially design and determine a path between two points in an area. For example, you are tasked to spread insecticide in a vast area. Route optimization by artificial intelligence quickly finds a pattern to follow, which lessens the time spent going over the same places over and over. In addition to this, companies don’t waste resources as well.

    Using Drones For Different Tasks

    Drones are small robot-like equipment that flies on its own or is software-controlled based on flight plans or GPS systems. As drones slowly take over the world of technology, pest control services are also keeping up by incorporating drones in some routines and functions. Nowadays, pest control companies look into the possibilities and innovative plans that can use drones as a means of getting the job done. Not a lot of people realize that drones are an investment because of the two top benefits it has: safety and efficiency. According to Talos Drones, Pests are hard to control with traditional tactics so they recommend sprayer drones which are efficient even spraying on crops.

    In terms of safety, here are the benefits of having a drone to help with pest control services:

    • Employees may collect information without the potential risk of getting injured.
    • There is an overall view of the current situation.
    • There is a fast and easy way to do operations and services.

    In terms of efficiency, here are the benefits of having a drone to help with pest control services:

    • You can have multiple shots with the bird’s eye view option.
    • The drones cover vast and wide areas in one go.
    • It can do the job of many employees in a matter of minutes.

    Some Computational Models Accommodate Vast Areas

    Computational models arise from the continued growth and progression of different computer systems. The significant components and amounts of information can be hard to process, which is why most use computational models. These models help further tasks get done effectively. 

    Using this innovative system, pest control companies have the chance to understand the mechanism of pest dispersal in an area better. The mathematical models give the company information vital to the eradication of infestation, such as:

    • Land configuration.
    • A breakdown of the crops.
    • An indication about the crops (whether they hinder or favor the pest infestation).

    Development Of Tech For Spreading Products

    Pest control companies often have employees to do the job of spraying, spreading, or applying products (such as insecticide). With the development and progression of technology, companies can employ systems in equipment such as drones to do the job for them. 

    Drone technology is currently in the initial stage and is yet to make its way onto the pest control world fully. But step by step, the idea is starting to grow exponentially, and more and more companies are considering this tech.

    There Are More Means Of Communication

    Infestation is no joke, and most of the time, seeing this happen is a cause of panic for most households. Initially, contact with pest control companies is through phone calls with numbers obtained from the local directory. But thanks to technology, customers nowadays have more means of reporting problems in real-time through smartphones, tablets, or CCTV. For example, your customer is a farmer that wishes to keep an eye on his crops. This example also applies to the gradual development of pest infestation. The pest control company can diagnose problems early. Even before the company takes action, they can relay on the phone’s initial advice to control the situation until professional help comes.

    Taking Advantage Of Pheromones

    Pheromones are substances naturally released by some insects such as some species of moths. Technology nowadays makes it possible to experiment with nature’s simple phenomenons such as the release of pheromones in the environment. 

    Pest control companies can use materials that are insecticides alongside an insect’s natural release of substances when deteriorating. This innovative technique allows the insect to be an insecticide transport vessel.

    Training For Technicians Can Now Be Through Virtual Reality Or Augmented Reality

    Pest control services still need certifications and professional practice, as well as technician training. The incorporation of virtual reality allows technicians in training to immerse themselves in an environment fully they’re likely to encounter in the real world. On the other hand, augmented reality will enable trainers to customize the settings for the technicians, which can fully hone and practice their skills.

    Here are the benefits of both virtual and augmented reality:

    • Technicians have a hands-on experience of the potential problems and insect infestations, as well as what to do with them.
    • This tech allows for perfect timing when doing specific techniques.
    • Allows the company to adequately prepare for certifications and inspections for the company’s credibility.
    • Scheduling is more comfortable, especially if inclement weather poses a risk. There is no need to reschedule training sessions for the technicians continually.
    • Time saver.

    Upgrades On The Company’s Equipment

    Pest control companies have a better chance of giving better service once they upgrade their equipment and machines. Technology is incorporated to better the services and results of one’s business. Pest control services should consider technological progression and equipment as an investment because of the countless benefits that can help the business rise over the other competitors.