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How the Menstrual Cycle Affects Our Mental Health

    One of the most common side effects of that time of the month is one thing we think about the least – our Mental Health.

    90% of women experience some form of PMS in their lifetimes, and these include cramps and bloating, but also emotional and mental symptoms, such as anxiety, stress, irritability, and gloominess.

    A lot of us just take this for granted, realize afterward that PMS is the reason we cried watching The Great British Bake Off, why we might have shouted at our partners, or felt upset for no reason.  We realize after the fact when our period bleeding occurs, but with technology, there are now ways to regulate our Mental Health during our PMS each month.

    PMS is a direct cause of the ups and downs of our emotions each month, but why?

    The short answer to this question is Sugar or glucose!

    When you experience PMS, your brain isn’t getting all the energy levels or sugar it needs.  When your brain (specifically the cerebellum) doens’t get enough sugar, it causes reactions such as stress, anxiety, irratibily, and gloominess, otherwise know as your PMS mood swings.

    Just think about how you crave that chocolate bar during your period, your body is demanding sugars so it can try to function correctly.  During your period, your cerebellum demands more sugar than usual, so you’re trying to even out the score.

    But then at the same time, once you eat that candy bar, you’ll have a sugar crash, you’re on a rollercoaster with what you consume, along with the sugar levels in your brain.

    It’s the same thing when you’re hangry.

    You may have experienced the need for sugar levels in your brain when you get “hangry,” this is the easier fix for feeling better, you eat something and you have enough sugar in your brain to continue to function like yourself.

    But when you’re PMS-ing the sugar levels are not so simple.

    Emotional symptoms in PMS have been significantly tied to increased glucose (sugar) needs in the cerebellum of the brain.

    This dysfunction in the cerebellum causes all the horrid PMS mood symptoms with which many of us are all too familiar:

    • Anxiety
    • Gloominess
    • Stress
    • Irritability

    All of these emotions cause us to feel depressed when we experience PMS.

    So What Can We Do to Stop PMS?

    Through the years, we’ve found that getting help with specifically PMS is a struggle.  Doctors have a variety of different ideas on how to manage your emotions from birth control pills to antidpressants.  But there is a solution without prescription drugs and hormone free!  The new supplement  Jubilance for PMS (Oxaloacetate) may be the answer to your PMS mood symptoms.

    Jubilance for PMS has one main ingredient, Oxaloacetate, found in the Krebs Cycle in every cell of your body, by adding more oxaloacetate to your system, it helps to regulate the sugar levels in your brain.  In clinical trials, Oxaloacetate supplementation has increased cellular uptake of glucose, including a direct increase of brain glucose uptake.

    So instead of the PMS rollercoaster, you’re able to better manage your emotions, because your sugar levels are more regulated.  Of course, you’ll still feel some ups and downs, but oxaloacetate is the new solution to feeling more like you, every day of the month.