With millions of people now working from home, it’s understandable why this has become such a popular topic. Working from home is the dream life several people look forward to, but like almost every other thing, it also comes with its challenges. And one of these challenges is overeating.
Being so close to food can be pretty tempting. No, you can’t think about de-stocking your home because you don’t want to be close to food. Of course, you should have these things, even snacks sometimes, readily available in your house. But then, how can you easily refrain from grabbing a quick bite after completing each task on your laptop? How do you stop yourself from mindless eating when you feel stressed or looking for inspiration?
It’s like torture, and that’s why you’re here.
It’s a major concern, especially for people who are interested in weight loss. Staying at home most of the day may likely increase your chances of adding weight, especially when you have the opportunity to eat whenever you can. Sure, you may be engaging in fitness training, but mindless eating when working from home can void the results.
Notwithstanding, by making some conscious lifestyle changes, you can gradually rid yourself of this annoying habit that has constantly pestered you.
But before going into the following helpful nutritional tips, I want you to know you’re not alone and that you can do it. So, go on, take a deep breath and tell yourself, “I can break free.”
1. Set a Feeding Time Table
I know this may sound cliché, and you’ve possibly tried but failed woefully. Well, the trick comes from compelling yourself to stick to it.
If you want to lose weight, it’s imperative you have control over what you’re eating. And one way to go is by setting an eating schedule. When you’re working from home, this becomes even more significant, and you can understand why.
Now, this is how it works. Notably, your body gets accustomed to certain 24-hour patterns; sleeping, waking, feeding, etc. These patterns are known as the Circadian rhythms. Your body gets adapted to such patterns when you repeat them daily, meaning you’ll tend to feel hungry around the same time you’ve been eating for the past few days. You can always set the alarm to keep you on track. Skipping isn’t good when building a routine.
But setting a timetable is just as important as what you include in the schedule. Your breakfast should be large enough to keep you going for at least 4 hours. You can have breakfast by 8, lunch by 1 pm, and dinner by 6. A snack once in a while (not every day!) wouldn’t hurt your weight loss goals as when you snack every day.
As you continue with this for a few days, you’ll discover you have less urge to eat before the alarm goes off.
2. Take Healthy Fluids
While snacks can be great to ease off stress and relax, they harm you in the long run because of their high amounts of calories. That’s why many have gone team-coffee.
However, you may have realized that excessive coffee intake is affecting your sleep. So what do you do? What other choices do you have?
You may take water (you can never overemphasize the power of hydrating), but you won’t find it exciting drinking water too frequently. There are a few drinks you can substitute coffee for, such as Athletic Greens. With up to 75 different nutrients, Athletic Greens provides you with well-rounded nutrition and tends to keep you sated and energetic for hours.
With such a drink, you’ll discover you are less inclined to think about food even when you work from home round-the-clock. It can also help you get rid of your coffee addiction.
Replacing snacks and coffee with a healthier choice will ultimately help you towards preventing overeating and weight gain.
3. Break down Your Temptations
We cannot deny the fact that seeing those tasty snacks at your fingertips can be triggering. So it would help if you can avoid stocking your home with such tempting treats and ready-to-eats. If you can, take these enticements to another part of your home, say, your pantry. That way, they’re no longer right under your nose. You’ll also have to walk for some minutes to get to them, giving you enough time to reconsider.
4. Have a Break for Some Fresh Air
Working from home can be more tasking than many people think. When you get stressed, you’re all alone with no one to discuss your frustration with. That potentially leads to mindless eating.
It helps if you have a walk outside during such periods. Grab your coat and stroll out to nowhere in particular. The scenery outside can be refreshing, and research has shown that a brisk walk can help curb food cravings.
5. Practice Mindful Eating
This can be tough for you, especially when mindless eating has become such an overpowering habit. But again, take a deep breath and tell yourself, “I can do it.”
Whenever you feel hungry, decide what to eat rather than grabbing the first thing you can lay your hands on. That way, you tend to have better control over what you ingest. And avoid eating when working with your laptop. Possibly you’re trying to run against the clock to beat a deadline, but you’re hungry at the same time. Do one before the other. Doing both leads to mindless eating, which in turn causes you to overeat and gain weight.
6. More Protein, Less Carbs
Carbs typically make you eat more, feel less full, and get hungry quickly. A high protein diet does precisely the opposite. So if you’re looking to avoid overeating while working from home, ensure you include a high protein diet in your daily feeding timetable. Feeling full will make you less inclined to snack.
Bottom Line
The secret to living healthy lies in making conscious lifestyle changes. Your body, being used to the old habits, will try to fight back when you change your routine. But consistency and determination will always get you to your goals.